2018 Synthesis Report on climate action
This first report of the Global Observatory on Non-State Climate Action builds on existing knowledge, by synthesizing nearly 1000 references from global reports of think tanks, NGOs and IGOs, databases, scientific literature and specialized press.

2018 Synthesis Report of Climate Chance Observatory
The World Observatory for Non-State Climate Action presented its 1st report during an event attended by climate experts such as Jean Jouzel and Valérie Masson-Delmotte, then during a side-event dedicated to the Pavilion France during the COP24.
The report is divided in 3 thematic books available here :
- Book 1 : Sector-based actionpdf
- Book 2 : Mobilisation of the local and subnational governmentspdf
- Book 3 : Bringing finance on board – Report on Climate action in the financial sectorpdf
Summary of the report 2018
The publication of this report was made possible thanks to the particular support of:
We also thank all the partners of the Climate Chance Association
You can download the report by area of interests below :
Book 1 – “The sector-based action”

Conducted in collaboration with experts from the sectors and countries studied, the 23 sheets that make up Book 1 provide the reader with summary analyzes of major sectors of emissions, at the global or country level, identifying the dynamics at stake, and highlight the remarkable initiatives taken by non-state actors around the world.
Book 1 by emission sector :
- Book 1 – Energy Sectorpdf
- Book 1 – Transport Sectorpdf
- Book 1 – Industries Sectorpdf
- Book 1 – Land use, land-use change, and forestry (LULUCF)pdf
Book 2 – “Mobilisation of the local and subnational governments”

This book presents an overview of climate action put in practice by local governments and their networks worldwide, and is compounded of 3 sections.
Section 1. “Progress of global initiatives”
This section identifies the main international covenants and networks of cities and regions, introduces their history and activities, analyses the state of their commitments and the impact of their action in light of the reporting of their members. It also sheds light on the main carbon accounting methodologies and existing platforms of reporting.
Section 2. “Territorial results”
Tis section presents 23 case studies of cities and regions, which recently stood out with noteworthy actions or results in carbon emission reductions.
Section 3. “Around the world in 80 good practices”
This section showcases a range of territory-based actions newly started or having recently proven impressive achievements on 10 environment and climatic issues.
Book 3 – “Bringing finance on board – Report on Climate action in the financial sector”

This book describes climate action at global scale from the three core businesses of finance industry – investment, bank and insurance – and recounts the boom of financial products and services contributing to low-carbon transition. It also brings up the new approaches of financial regulators to steer capital flows and abate the risks linked to climate change in the financial sector. Moreover, Book 3 builds on over 100 recent studies and references to highlight landmark individual and collective initiatives. This Book is the outcome of a partnership with Finance for Tomorrow, and initiative supported by Paris EUROPLACE and the actors of Paris Stock Exchange to promote French and international sustainable finance.