12/12/19 Side-event at the French Pavillon on the Adaptation Book from the 2019 Synthesis Report on Non-state Climate Action
Climate Chance and the Comité 21 are co-organising a side-event on 12th December 2019 in the French Pavillon at COP25 in Madrid at 10:00A.M. in order to share keys of understanding to private, local and associative actors to implement adaptation strategies in the face of climate change.
Local actors’ implementation of adaptation strategies: panorama and progress assessment
This event aims to promote the implementation of adaptation to climate change through feedback and concrete examples of local authorities and actors who have developed adaptation strategies. Indeed, some of the consequences of climate change are already visible and require the re-structuring of our societies while taking into account new climate data. It is therefore important to maintain efforts to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions, particularly because of climate inertia but also to increase our societies’ abilities to adapt to climate change and to implement these two strategies in a complementary way.
It will also be the perfect opportunity to present the « Adaptation Book » of the Global Observatory on Non-state Climate Action yhat was officially launched on November 28th, 2019 and co-published with the Comité 21.
- Jean-Noël Verfaillie, European Committee of the Regions
- Eduardo Perero, Conama Network, Spain
- Armelle Perrin-Guinot, Veolia
- Xavier Corval, Eqosphere
- Nicolas Imbert, Green Cross
Practical information
Date and time: Decmber 12th, from 10AM to 11:30AM
Location: French Pavilion of the IFEMA, congress center of Madrid, Paseo. de la Castellana, 99. 28046