13/12, 5:00pm: Climate Chance Steering Committee
Climate Chance takes the opportunity of the presence of numerous non-state climate actors in COP24, Katowice, to bring together its partners for a steering committee, followed by a convivial evening. We hope to meet you there!
Where and when?
Thursday 13 December 2018 from 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm
Followed by a convivial evening
At the Katowice Philharmonic- Poland
Silésie Henryk Mikołaj Górecki Philharmonic, Katowice, ul. Sokolska 2
Meeting in the presence of Ronan Dantec, President of the Association, French Senator, spokesperson on climate for UCLG, Vanessa Laubin, Executive Director, Romain Crouzet, Programs Coordinator, Leila Yassine, Program Coordinator- Africa, and Antoine Gillod, of the Observatory.
The year 2018 is a key moment for Climate Chance. After 3 international summits the years before, two in France and one in Morocco, we have decided in 2018 to launch new worksites :
- A new website with a portal of the climate action gathering : a map of the non-state actors climate actions, a climate library, a climate agenda, the road maps of the different sectoral coalitions that are gathered within Climate Chance.
- The Climate Chance Observatory that published its first annual report at the end of November. It is a one of a kind initiative with a mission to analyze the reality of the non-state actions impact on the evolution of Grenhouse Gas Emissions.
- Regional events in Europe and in Africa:
I – Climate Chance, EESC, CoR jointly co-organized in April in Brussels a “European Dialogue on the Non-State Climate Action”. The objective of this dialogue is to propose an action plan that aims to evaluate, recognize, accelerate and support positive actions in terms of climate that are conducted by non-state actors (civil society, businesses, workers) and the local authorities (regions and cities). This event was part of the Talanoa Dialogue framework at the European scale et has hosted the High-Level Champion- Tomasz Chruszczow
II – The Climate Chance Summit – Africa, that took place on June 2018 in Abidjan- Ivory Coast, in partnership with the ARDCI, has gathered 600 non-state actors from all the African continent. These actors are all engaged in fighting climate change and ready to work together in sectoral coalitions organized in common road maps, confirming thus the plus value of the non-state actors and the multi-level carried by Climate Chance. We had an update on this dynamic when we organized some of the sessions in Africities (end of November in Marrakech – Morocco)
In order to conduct a review of the year 2018, but mainly to involve you in our next activities development, we invite you to our Climate Chance Steering Committee, on December 13, at the COP24 in Katowice. We hope that many of you will attend.
- A quick look at the 2018 novelties for a better implication of our partners in the 2019.
– Portal of the climate action: How to move faster and better pool the efforts with the partners of Climate Chance.
– First report of the Climate Chance Observatory: what are the implications of the 2018 edition report, what orientation will be privileged for the 2019 editions and what is the role of our partners in this edition?
- A report back on the 2018 events and next steps for 2019-2020
– A report back on the year 2018 and of the COP24 : what is the common advocacy for the non-state actors for the 2019 year in a more complex international context? Perspectives from the UN Summit, COP25, etc..
– European strategy of Climate Chance: a return to Europe to prepare.
– African Strategy of Climate Chance that needs to be stabilized after a first successful African summit: what are the priorities, our partners expectations and the next deadlines in Africa? One Planet Summit in Nairobi, The African Climate Week, Climate Chance Africa 2019 in Accra, France-Africa Summit in 2020.
- Convivial evening after the meeting for more informal exchange (food offered / drinks chargeable extra)