Climate Chance’s Synthesis Report 2019 to be released during Paris for Tomorrow!

Thursday 28th November 2019 : Presentation of the Second Edition of the Synthesis Report on Non-State Climate Action


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Full day programme

10:00 am. Introduction

Welcome speech by Ronan Dantec, President Climate Chance Association

10:30 am. Roundtable : Adaptation

Opening speech: Bettina Laville, President of Comité 21

Presentation of the Adaptation Book by Virginie Hugues and Guillaume Simonet

Confirmed speakers:

  • Christophe Buffet, AFD – Programme Adapt’Action
  • Marie-Noëlle Reboulet, GERES – President
  • Philippe Rossello, GREC-SUD – Coordinator

Moderator: Vanessa Laubin, Consultant Projection-CC

2 – 5 pm. Interactive debate between expert panelists and the audience on six major sectors the report focuses on

For each emission sector, the Observatory team will present the key takeaways from the Sector-based Book. Experts as well as the audience will both have the opportunity to share their reactions.

Moderator: Dominique Pialot, Director of Climate Chance

  • Energy production

Sascha GabizonWomen Engage for a Common Future 

– Djadji Touré, Valorem – Head of affairs at Avento

– Enercoop (to be confirmed)

  • Transport

 Claire-Marie Bernard, Michelin – Head of sustainable mobility
 Sophie Chambon-Diallo, SNCF – Director of CSR and sustainable development

– Christophe Najdovski, City of Paris, Deputy Mayor, Transport and public Space

  • Building

 Yves-Laurent Sapoval, Ministry of the Ecological and Social Transition – Adviser to the Director of Housing, Urban Planning and Landscapes (to be confirmed)
 Gilles Vermot Desroches, Schneider – Head of Sustainable Development
– BNP Paribas (representative to be confirmed)

  • Waste

Amélie Rouvin, Veolia, Circular economy division
– Laurent Caillerez, ADEME – International Action Division

  • Industry

– Phillipes Portier, CFDT – National secretary in charge of sustainable development

– Syndicat français de l’industrie cimentière (SFIC) (representative to be confirmed)

– Emilie Alberola, EcoAct, Director of Research and Innovation

  • Land use and forestry

– Damien Kuhn, Kinome, Director of international operations

– Philippe Deletain, Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs, Forest/Biodiversity/Humid areas project manager

César Dugast, Carbone4, Senior Consultant

5 PM. Conclusion

5:20 PM. Cocktail reception 


Abbé Grégoire Auditorium

Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers

292 rue Saint-Martin, 75003 Paris.