Around the world of Adaptation climate actions : A series produced by Novethic in collaboration with Climate Chance !

Novethic published a world tour of adaptation throughout the week, from 27 to 31 July, based on 5 of our regional and city case studies, taken from our Adaptation booklet, produced in partnership with Comité 21, of our Climate Action Report 2019.

You will find these 5 articles on their website.

This publication was an opportunity to highlight a key and topical issue that is often under-reported in the media : adaptation or how regions, cities or countries are organizing themselves to deal with the first impacts of climate change.

The Observatory‘s deciphering and analyses have made it possible to produce this series from which the examples developed are drawn.


Synthesis Report on adaptation actions

Find all the analyses and case studies in the Adaptation Book in our 2019 Synthesis Report on climate actions

“In Nicaragua, peril to coffee production”

In Nicaragua, the agricultural sector accounts for about 20 per cent of GDP and 30 per cent of employment. 25% of export revenues are linked to coffee cultivation. The local increase in temperature and reduction in rainfall over the last century in changes are already impacting production …

Read our case study HERE

“Las Vegas, thirsty, gambling big on climate change”

Due to its geographical location, population and activity needs, the water supply of Las Vegas depends on Lake Mead and is increasingly difficult. Las Vegas is one of the three cities that reported the most adaptation actions to the CDP.

Read our case study HERE

“The Philippines as a laboratory of resilience to climate-related disasters”

Guiuan is located in the south of the province of Eastern Samar into the Pacific Ocean. The municipality has developed an adaptation strategy to increase the resilience, protection and enhancement of economic sectors, communities, natural resources and ecosystems …

Read our case study HERE

“Nouakchott, the sprawling capital of Mauritania, trapped between ocean and desert”

The AREDDUN project (Support for Environmental Resilience and Sustainable Development in Nouakchott), funded by the European Union, was implemented by the Nouakchott Region. It is based on several expert studies with the objective of developing a Sustainable Energy Access & Climate Action Plan …

Read our case study HERE

“Faced with rising water levels, Croatia is trying to keep its tourist attraction afloat”

The Coastal Plan of the Šibenik-Knin County focuses on the impacts of climate change in coastal areas. This was prepared and supported by the Split RAC / PAP (Priority Action Programme / Regional Activity Centre) and the Blue Plan, two components of the UNEP Action Programme …

Read our case study HERE