Discover our history, our ecosystem, our missions and the activities we are carrying out
Mobilising and bringing together local actors to strengthen action

Our history and vision
The fight against climate change requires the contribution and commitment of all actors
Local governments, businesses, organised civil society and citizens already hold the levers for the low-carbon transformation of our societies, but this transition cannot be achieved without equipping the actors and breaking down the silos between them.
Accelerating action in the fight against climate change and the preservation of ecosystems at the local level requires dialogue and collaboration between all non-state actors in their diversity : local governments, businesses, civil society. We establish links between themes, sectors and stakeholders. By linking actors, policies, strategies, commitments and initiatives at sub-national, national and global levels, we strengthen action at all levels.
It is with this objective that the Climate Chance Association was created following a first event, the Climate and Territories Summit in Lyon in 2015, which brought together climate actors ahead of the COP21 in Paris.
Since its creation in 2015, Climate Chance brings together all of the actors involved in the implementation of the objectives of the international Agendas on Climate, Biodiversity and Desertification, in keeping with the Sustainable Development Goals. It is the only international association seeking to connect all non-state actors from Europe and Africa, working on the acceleration of local action : from local governments, businesses, and civil society organisations, to the media, researchers and citizens.
The Climate Chance Association supports the central role of local actors in climate action and the inseparable link between the climate, biodiversity and desertification agendas, in line with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Climate Chance’s value lies in its capacity to create an environment conducive to accelerating climate action.
In our Annual Report 2022, you will find the status of the various projects and activities that have been carried out and the impact of the actions carried out by the association during the past year.
Ronan Dantec, President of Climate Chance
“Climate Chance’s raison d’être (reason to be) is to participate in the creation of an environment that strengthens and helps to scale-up action, by building a network of actors, analysing and sharing information. This is crucial to ensure the credibility of a climate stabilisation trajectory.”
A unique positioning
Our missions and activities
The unique positioning of Climate Chance is based on the three missions that the association has set for itself – bringing together the actors, analysing action, sharing information in the fields of climate, biodiversity and desertification – and on the tools it has developed and continues to perfect.
- Sharing information
Dedicated to action implemented at the local level, by local governments, businesses and civil society organisations, our Portal of Action gathers a wide range of resources and best practices for and by actors, at the global scale. It offers 3 specific tools: the Cartography, the Library and the Agenda of Action.
- Analysing action
With its unique reference publications for decision-makers, at the global scale, every year the Climate Chance Observatory analyses and synthesises the climate actions actually carried out by local governments, businesses, civil society and financial actors to reduce their emissions and adapt to climate change. Since 2022, Climate Chance has been developing an Observatory of Climate Action in Africa.
- Bringing together actors
The organisation of federating events is in the DNA of Climate Chance. The Climate Chance Summits in Europe and Africa are the moment of convergence of our community of actors and are the opportunity to make common proposals carried to the international stage. Beyond the summits, our community is mobilised and collaborates throughout the year within the ecosystem led by Climate Chance: eMags, participation in other events on the international agenda, coalitions, working groups, etc. In 2022, Climate Chance launched an ambitious initiative to protect ecosystems: the International Coalition « Corridors of Biodiversity in Africa » bringing together climate and conservation actors, with a first demonstration project in Guinea.
Our areas of expertise
We work in a wide range of fields, on major issues : mitigation – adaptation – finance – biodiversity – circularity – water; instruments and levers of action : offsetting – biodiversity corridors – decentralised cooperation – financing – multi-stakeholder governance – training & education – urban planning, etc.; sectors : energy – mobility – buildings – industries – waste management – agriculture, forestry and land use.
The strength of the collective work
The Climate Chance community
Climate Chance’s ecosystem gathers nearly 50,000 people around the world. Most of them are experts, professional networks, organisations, partners, etc. involved in past Climate Chance Summits and our events during international gatherings since 2015, members of our Coalitions, participants from eMags, webinars, contributing to our work and publications. Our community closely follows our projects and news, and relies on 17,000 people following us on social networks.
The governance of the association
The General Assembly
The Climate Chance association gathers individual members, personalities recognized as influential actors on climate, biodiversity and desertification issues, representative of the 9 major groups recognized by the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), all convinced of the importance of exchanges and of the reinforcement of common messages of these different groups and types of actors. As the core of the association, the members guide and support our work.
The Strategic Orientation Committee
The Climate Chance dynamic is also supported by a Strategic Orientation Committee (COS). The COS is made up of almost 500 organisations, many of which are major non-governmental organisations at the global level. The COS is involved in the preparation of the association’s major projects, in the definition of priorities, in the programmes and advocacy campaigns led by Climate Chance.

Joining the Climate Chance ecosystem means …
Integrating an international platform of actors in the fields of climate, biodiversity and desertification | Being informed about the reality of action on a global scale and in different sectors through the Portal of Action | Understanding the reality of climate action in different sectors through our Observatory | Converging with the Climate Chance community during the annual summits in Europe and Africa | Staying connected with the community throughout the year by participating in the eMags on Climate Action in Africa | Joining a network of European and African actors and share expertise by integrating the International Coalition “Biodiversity Corridors in Africa” | Benefiting from support during participation in major events on the international agenda.
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