
Climate Chance gathers individual members, personalities recognized as influential actors on climate, biodiversity and desertification issues, representative of the 9 major groups recognized by the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).

  • Ronan Dantec

    Senator for Loire Atlantique, Spokesperson on climate at CEMR

  • Bernard Soulage
    Secretary General

    President of the Scientific council of the GART, former European member of the Parliament and Vice-president of Regional Council

  • Anne Barre

    Gender and Climate Policy Coordinator for 'Women Engage for a Common Future' (WECF) network

  • Jean Jouzel
    Honorary President

    Climatologist, former Vice-President of the IPCC scientific group, President of the Weather and Climate Association

  • Pierre Ducret

    Chairman of the supervisory board of Qivalio and Director of the Palladio Institute

  • Luc Gnacadja

    Former Minister of Environment, Housing and Urban Planning of Benin, former Executive Secretary of the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD), Founder and President of Governance & Policies for Sustainable Development (GPS-Dev)

  • Hélène Valade

    Director of Environmental Development for the LVMH Group

  • Gilles Vermot-Desroches

    Corporate Citizenship Senior Vice-President of Schneider Electric and Vice-President of the Environment Commission of the Economic, Social and Environmental Council (ESEC)

  • Vaia Tuuhia

    Director of Programmes Enki Development

  • Mame Bousso Faye

    Environment Program Officer for the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), Senegal

  • Thierry Dedieu

    Social Affairs Advisor for the French Mission to the International Labour Organization

  • Annabelle Jaeger

    Director of the Mission for the Energy Transition of the Principality of Monaco and President of the French Committee of the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation

  • Patrick Oliva

    Co-founder of the Paris Process for Mobility and Climate, Instigator of the Orbimob project and former Director of External Relations for Sustainable Mobility and Energy Transition at Michelin

  • Claire Roumet

    Director at Energy Cities

  • Frédéric Vallier

    General Delegate of the AIMF

  • Pierre Victoria

    Former Director of Sustainable Development at Veolia and Vice-President of the Fabrique écologique

  • Emilie Alberola

    Research and Innovation Director for EcoAct Group

  • Véronique Andrieux

    Chief Executive Officer - WWF France

  • Jean-Louis Bal

    Honorary President of the French Renewable Energy Trade Association

  • Brigitte Bariol-Mathais

    General Delegate of the French network of urban planning agencies (FNAU)

  • Nicolas Beaumont

    Senior VP Sustainable Development and Mobility at Michelin

  • Armand Béouindé

    Mayor of Ouagadougou

  • Nicolas Bériot

    Project Officer at the Ministry of Ecological Transition, former French focal point of the IPCC and former secretary general of the national observatory on the effects of global warming

  • Jérôme Boutang

    Director of CITEPA

  • Patrice Burger

    President of CARI

  • Pascal Charriau

    CEO of Enerdata

  • Françoise Coutant

    Regional Councillor of Nouvelle Aquitaine

  • Morgane Creach

    Director of Réseau Action Climat

  • Xavier Crépin

    Urban architect at French Studio and Professor at Sciences Po Rennes & Paris1 Panthéon Sorbonne

  • Denis Dangaix

    North/South Solidarity Project Manager at the Ile de France Regional Agency for the Environment and New Energies

  • Carole Dieschbourg

    Minister for the Environment, Climate and Sustainable Development of Luxembourg

  • Madeleine Diouf

    Head of the Climate Change Division in Senegal’s Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development (MEDD)

  • Jean-Pierre Elong Mbassi

    Secretary General of United Cities and Local Governments of Africa (UCLG Africa)

  • Mireille Ferri

    Former Director General of the Atelier International du Grand Paris, former Vice President of the Institut d'aménagement et d'urbanisme de la région d'Île-de-France and former Vice President of the French network of urban planning agencies (FNAU)

  • Semia Gharbi

    Environmental science and management expert, Chairperson of Tunisia’s Association de l’Education Environnementale pour les Futures Générations (AEEFG)

  • Yannick Glemarec

    Director of research at the International Research Center on Environment and Development (CIRED), former Executive Director of the Green Climate Fund

  • Jean-Yves Grandidier

    CEO of Valorem

  • Jean-François Habeau

    Executive Director of Cities and Urban Development Finance and Investment (GFCD)

  • Mohamed Handaine

    President of the Indigenous Peoples of Africa Coordinating Committee (IPACC) and Member of the UCIN

  • Dominique Héron

    Director of Partnerships of Veolia Environnement and Chairman of the Environment Commission of the International Chamber of Commerce of France

  • Evelyne Huytebroek

    Co-president of the European Green Party, Administrator of the Panathlon Wallonia-Brussels, Former Minister of Environment and Energy of Belgium

  • Vanessa Laubin

    Climate Strategies and Territorial Planning Consultant for Projections CC

  • Thomas Lauvaux

    Climatologist and teacher-researcher at the University of Reims Champagne-Ardenne

  • Bettina Laville

    Honorary president and founder of of Comité 21 and Editorial Director of the Revue Vraiment Durable

  • Nathalie Le Denmat

    Head of Evaluation and Learning at the French Development Agency (AFD)

  • Sylvie Lemmet

    Ambassador for the Environment at the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs (MEAE)

  • Hervé Le Treut

    Physicist and climatologist, director of the Institut Pierre Simon Laplace, member of the Académie des Sciences and professor at the Sorbonne and the Ecole Polytechnique

  • Gilles Luneau

    Journalist, essayist and director

  • Gerald Maradan

    President and co-founder of Entrepreneurs For Life and Associate Professor at HEC

  • Valérie Masson-Delmotte

    Paleoclimatologist, Co-chair of the IPCC and Director of Research at CEA

  • Jean-Pierre Maugendre

    Deputy Director of Sustainable Development of SUEZ

  • Christine Moro

    Former ambassador, delegate for the external action of local authorities, DGM/DAECT at the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs

  • Tosi Mpanu-Mpanu

    Expert on climate change issues at the Ministry of Environment, Nature Conservation and Tourism of the DRC

  • Hindou Oumarou

    Co-chair of the International Indigenous Peoples Forum on Climate Change and coordinator of the Association of Peul Women and Indigenous Peoples of Chad (AFPAT)

  • Christian Philip

    General Secretary of CODATU

  • Bruno Rebelle

    Independent consultant ECOLOGIKA

  • Marie-Noëlle Reboulet

    President of the Groupe Énergies Renouvelables, Environnement et Solidarités (GERES)

  • Roland Ries

    Former Mayor of Strasbourg, Former President of Cités Unies France and Former Senator of Bas-Rhin

  • Anabella Rosemberg

    International Program Director of Greenpeace International

  • Michèle Sabban

    Former President of the R20

  • Emilia Saiz

    General Secretary at UCLG

  • Yves-Laurent Sapoval

    Advisor to the Director General of Planning, Housing and Nature at the Ministry of Ecological Transition

  • Secou Sarr

    Executive Secretary of the Enda Third World network

  • Mohamed Sefiani

    Mayor of Chefchaouen

  • Antoine Sire

    Head of Corporate Commitment and member of the Executive Committee of the BNP Paribas Group

  • André Sobczak

    Vice-president of Nantes Metropole in charge of Europe, employment and corporate social responsibility - General Delegate CSR Audencia

  • Sarah Strack

    Director of Forus International

  • Matthieu Wemaëre

    Lawyer in Paris and Brussels

  • Philippe Zaouati

    CEO of Mirova