Community fruit areas

ADéProG is an NGO based in the commune of Nikki in Benin. Its aim is to help reduce poverty and hunger.

An initiative of Association pour le Développement Durable et la Promotion du Genre (ADéProG)

Overview of the project

Malnutrition is a scourge that affects a number of African countries, particularly the agricultural populations living in rural areas.
Although anti-malnutrition programmes are being implemented in the areas concerned, the disease still persists and many people die from it every year.
The fruit-growing area is a solution for improving the quality of the diet of people living in rural areas who, despite being made aware of the importance of diversifying their diet and eating fruit, are faced with the problem of fruit being unavailable.
Creating a community fruit-growing area will not only solve the problem of the availability of fruit in rural areas, but will also help to restore the vegetation cover and thus fight to reduce greenhouse gases.


Facilitating access to fruits in rural areas.

Level of progress

Ongoing research

Project timeline

01/08/2023 - 01/07/2023

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About the

Association pour le Développement Durable et la Promotion du Genre (ADéProG)

Mohamed BOUKO
Directeur Exécutif

ADéProG-ONG intervient dans les domaines suivant :

  • l’environnement par les activités de reboisement ;
  • la sécurité alimentaire et nutritionnelle par des activités de suivi et promotion de croissance des enfants
  • l’entrepreneuriat agricole par le développement des chaînes de valeurs des produits agricoles
  • l’éducation à la santé sexuelle et reproductive par des activités de sensibilisation
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