A research on sustainable Energy Access and Mobility, Lake Victoria
MicroEnergy International project's studies the feasibility of electric transport boats on Lake Victoria in Uganda.

Overview of the project
Lake Victoria is the largest fresh water lake in Africa and is a source of portable water for over 30 million people, who also depend on it for livelihood. Transport on Lake Victoria is dominated by petrol fuelled boats used for fishing and transportation of goods. In Uganda alone there are over 1358 transport canoes. Petrol engines contribute the pollution of the Lake by emitting unburnt petrol and oil into the lake. The study seeks to study the feasibility of replacing petrol with battery powered electric outboard motors, with the potential of using minigrids on islands to charge batteries. This would overall reduce pollution on the lake, increase the productive usage potential of minigrids and improve the overall environmental benefits of electrification on the Lake.
The project seeks to study the feasibility of electric transport boats on Lake Victoria
Ongoing research
03/12/2018 - 7/31/2019
MicroEnergy International is a private consulting company with more than 20 employees and a strong background in energy engineering and economics, development finance, management and social sciences. Our company has more than ten years of experience in more than 35 countries in Latin America, Africa and Asia. MicroEnergy International works with financial institutions, energy product & service providers, international development actors and research institutions to set up clean energy sustainable financing schemes. In this framework, MEI takes care of the overall project management (from planning through implementation to evaluation), thereby designing, evaluating and optimizing energy products and services, and ensuring that financial instruments are tailored to the needs of the business sector and end-users. MEI finally strengthens its activities through scientific quality management, in partnership with research institutions worldwide, and offers a variety of training opportunities.
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