African forests, people and climate change
African Forest Forum (AFF)'s goal is to build capacities and skills of stakeholders to address adverse effects of climate change through better management and use of Africa's forests and tree resources.
Overview of the project
AFF goals are:
Strengthening capacity of African forestry stakeholders in adopting best practices that integrates both adaptation and mitigation options in response to the impacts of climate change and variability to biophysical and social systems in different landscapes.
Enhancing national forest governance by strengthening the capacity of African stakeholders to respond to the Paris Agreement and related global climate change policies and initiatives related to forestry.
Promoting entrepreneurship opportunities and technologically efficient means for value addition in African forestry, including those related to climate change that enhance livelihoods, national incomes and employment.
Strengthening AFF’s institutional capacity in creation and sharing of relevant forest and tree-based knowledge and information for improved decision making.
To build capacities and skills of stakeholders to address adverse effects of climate change through better management and use of Africa's forests and tree resources.
Ongoing research
01/11/2011 - 12/31/2021
Training of 560 trainers on rapid carbon stock appraisa
Training of 132 trainers on climate modelling and scenario development with applications to forestry sector
Training of 63 actors in forestry private sector on developing carbon projects
Undertake over 30 studies in Africa covering different areas in forestry and climate change
Training of over 90 African delegates on multilateral environmental agreements and international negotiations
Shared results in 6 major regional information dissemination workshops
Training of 12 postgraduate studies on climate change and international forestry
Supported 14 postgraduate students with research grants
Produced over 30 different knowledge products such as Policy briefs, AFF Working Paper Series, factsheets, journal papers among others
Supported over 100 African delegates in World Forestry Congress meeting
Strengthened the capacity of African forestry stakeholders on negotiation skills
Development of carbon projects in forestry sector
Improved knowledge and capacity of African forestry stakeholders in managing forests and landscapes in the context of climate change
Informed and contributed to shaping of policies and initiatives relevant to forests and climate change
Improved understanding among African stakeholders on vulnerability to climate change and application of promising adaptation and mitigation measures pertinent to Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land Uses
Supported by Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC)
The African Forest Forum is an association of individuals with a commitment to the sustainable management, wise use and conservation of Africa’s forest and tree. It works on the following themes: Agriculture, food and reforestation in Africa, renewable energy and energy efficiency in Africa, education and training on climate change in Africa, adaptation and water in Africa.