Agrivoltaics in Mali and The Gambia: Sustainable Electricity Production by Integrated Food, Energy and Water Systems (APV-MaGa)
The United Nations University Vice Rectorate in Europe (UNU-ViE) is one of two Vice Rectorates and the only one located outside Japan. UNU-ViE hares knowledge and expertise through the development of joint activities and projects with UN.

Overview of the project
Additionally to the objective, the project seeks to proof the technical and economic viability of an integrated triple land use system and to gain a deeper understanding of synergies and interactions within the Water-Energy-Food Nexus in the partner countries and West African context. The APV-MaGa project involves the installation of a 200-kWp demonstrator on approximately one hectare of land in Katibougou, Mali. Three demonstrators, each with a capacity of approximately 20 kWp, will be installed in selected communities in The Gambia. These include a pilot system with integrated rainwater harvesting; a “transformation platform”; and a cold storage facility for food preservation. The goal is to cover the loans needed for financing through investment income from the sale of energy and agricultural products as well as with other potential services such as the sale of water. APV represents a great opportunity to increase the regional value of rural communities, as the business concepts will be designed in such a manner that the facilities can be managed primarily by farmers, communities and small and medium enterprises.
APV-MaGa project, funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), is a research and development (R&D) project that aims at establishing agrivoltaics(AV) as a sustainable energy system that provides food, water and electricity to the local population while increasing resilience of the agriculture sector against climate change.
Ongoing research
Still in Progress
Ongoing research
Ongoing research
The project is funded by the German Federal ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) as a grant
The United Nations University Vice Rectorate in Europe (UNU-ViE) is one of two Vice Rectorates and the only one located outside Japan. UNU-ViE supports the worldwide institutional development of UN University, facilitates collaboration across the UN University and the United Nations, and shares knowledge and expertise through the development of joint activities and projects. Additionally, UNU-ViE promotes cooperation with the United Nations agencies in Bonn, as well as with other local and regional stakeholders. It aims to make UN University generated knowledge on peace, development and sustainability well acknowledged, recognized and used.
Other project partners include: Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems ISE, deea solutions GmbH, University of Freiburg, Rural Polytechnic Institute of
Training and Applied Research Mali, Association Malienne d’Eveil pour le Développement Durable Mali, WASCAL Mali, National Agricultural Research Institute, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Technical Office , University of The Gambia, WASCAL Gambia, Mbolo association