Benkadi program
We work on access to drinking water and sanitation, sustainable agriculture, environment, climate change, health, education, gender and training, decentralisation.

Overview of the project

The BENKADI programme means “working together in the same direction”. It is a PLAIDOYER initiative by West African civil society to ensure the effectiveness of public policies on climate change adaptation and mitigation, through greater citizen participation, including that of young people, women and people with disabilities. It is a response to the Dutch government’s call for projects under the Power of Voices Partnership Programme, which aims to strengthen civil society, democracy and the rule of law in most countries where civic space is under pressure. It is being implemented by a consortium of four NGO platforms in West Africa (Benin, Burkina Faso, Mali and Côte d’Ivoire): SPONG, PASCiB, SECO-ONG, CSCI and a Dutch NGO (Woord En Daad). Each country has its own specific issues. Benin will focus on two key areas: adapting the agricultural sector to climate change and adapting water resources to climate change. Burkina Faso will address two themes: inclusive climate governance and sustainable and inclusive environmental management in the gold mining sector. Côte d’Ivoire will be highlighting two aspects: mitigating and adapting to the effects of coastal erosion, and preserving protected areas in the face of agriculture. Mali will also be working on two themes: inclusive climate governance and sustainable land management. Benkadi’s 4 main strategic areas are: 1. action research, 2. awareness-raising and capacity-building, 3. lobbying and advocacy; 4. participatory decision-making.
Communities affected by coastal erosion, deforestation, ecosystem degradation and pollution from gold mining, particularly women, young people and people living with disabilities, in Benin, Burkina Faso, Côte d'Ivoire and Mali, are realising their right to development and are resilient to the effects of climate change.
Ongoing research
15/03/21 - 31/12/25
IN BENIN: Capacity-building for 3,732 people, including 33% women, 61% young people and 7% people living with disabilities (PLWH) and 77 civil society organisations (CSOs).
IN BURKINA, Benkadi improved the capacities of 216 CSOs in advocacy/lobbying, gender and inclusion, and strengthened the capacities of 443 people in climate leadership. And the mobilisation of 30 community leaders in the monitoring of mining companies’ environmental and social management plans (ESMPs). In Côte d’Ivoire, 99% of the CSOs targeted in 2022 have been strengthened in lobbying and advocacy, and 80% of the targeted consultation frameworks have been created.
IN MALI, 24 monitoring structures (made up of 31, 32% women, 47.30% young people and 11.88 PLWHA) have been set up and are operational.
In 2022, IN BENIN: BENKADI contributed to : (i) the adoption of one (1) law on the orientation of the agricultural sector, (ii) the adoption of two (2) decrees and one (1) order in favour of participatory governance and the protection of ecosystems.
IN BURKINA, Benkadi contributed to the adoption of the decree on national MRV on climate change (Measurement, Reporting and Verification). In Côte d’Ivoire, a specific advocacy note was produced for the decree creating the Agence Nationale de Gestion Intégrée du Littoral (ANAGIL).
IN MALI, good sustainable land management practices such as the installation of stone cordons in the fields of the communes of Keleya and Kolokani have been recorded.
This project is funded by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs for the period 2021 - 2025.
Created on 30 October 1974, the Permanent Secretariat of Non-Governmental Organisations (SPONG) is a collective of NGOs, Foundations and Development Associations (DAs) under private law and not for profit. It comprises more than 270 international and national organisations working in various development sectors, including : Access to drinking water and sanitation, sustainable agriculture, environment, climate change, health, education, gender and training, decentralisation. In the sub-region, SPONG works closely with other NGO platforms in Benin, Mali and Côte d’Ivoire, such as the Benkadi Programme, which gives a voice to vulnerable populations faced with the harmful effects of climate change.