Building and packaging materials from coconut husk and sugarcane bagasse
With this project, Ecovon proposes to market the first non-additive, bio-based, renewable wood product to help prevent deforestation and empower local coconut productors.

Overview of the project
Ecovon will bring the first non-additive, bio-based, renewable wood product to market which is naturally flame retardant and anti-fungal without added binders (glues). The physical properties are better than comparable engineered woods on the market currently, all which use additives and heavy chemicals. The objective is to reach additional flame retardant properties while reducing our CO2 footprint, deforestation and enriching the lives of locals in coconut and sugarcane producing developing countries such as Ghana. The board material has been shown to exhibit excellent properties, which are comparable with or even superior to commercial wood based panels. Our product is stronger and more durable, priced considerably less, and greener. Coconut husk has the highest lignin content of any known plant and this helps the raw material to bind into a hard board without the addition of any damaging glue or binder. Due to its strength the board has the potential to be used for structural elements in buildings
Helps to prevent deforestation and empower local coconut productors.
Ecovon was shortlisted participant in Switch Africa Green Seed Starter in 2016
Ecovon was also shortlisted finalist in Adansonia project 2016
Ecovon has made to the incubation programme of Ghana Climate Innovation Centre
Ecovon was also shortlisted in 2017 seed awards
Ecovon has been shortlisted as finalist in 2017 MIT Climate Colab
Ecovon has been shortlisted as finalist in Green innovation and investment forum 2018
Next Einstein Forum Ci2i Finalist 2018
Tony Elumelu Entrepreneur 2018
Green Africa Innovation Booster 2018 Participant
Ecovon will generate wealth and employment/jobs for individuals in rural and urban areas of Ghana at the initial stages of the value chain, mostly youth and women, who will collect, sort and clean coconut husk and sugarcane bagasse for production. By the 3rd year of operation, Ecovon aims to create 100 direct and over 500 indirect jobs. The company aim to create a ―new wood‖ industry from coconut husk and sugarcane bagasse creating value-add for the poorest rural farmers (Bottom of the pyramid) while reducing CO2 emissions and deforestation. Ecovon will also produce cheap alternative building materials for low income earners and poor rural farmers in the country.
Grants from organizations
Ecovon believes that there is a better way of making building materials. That is why we are focusing our energy on completely rethinking and redesigning how the new generation of building materials is made. Ecovon are developing sustainably sourced, newly engineered wood made from coconut husk and sugar cane bagasse, supplying the global market with a formaldehyde-free bio-based wood alternative that are better for people and planet.
in collaboration