Carbon Fighter Colas Rail
How Colas Rail is meeting the challenge of reducing its carbon footprint by 30% by 2030, even though it depends on its suppliers for more than 60% of its business: Discover its Innovation Carbon Fighter!

Overview of the project
Colas Rail is firmly committed to reducing its carbon footprint by 30% by 2030 and becoming carbon neutral by 2050.
We are convinced that only through collective intelligence and cooperation with our strategic stakeholders (customers, shareholders and suppliers) will we succeed. This is how our Carbon Fighter initiative was born
60%: that’s how much of our carbon footprint is related to our purchasing. This is why we first approached French and international strategic suppliers individually to present our low-carbon strategy and to work together in workshops to find concrete solutions to combat climate change. This is where our first innovation comes in: the creation of a matrix to assess their maturity in measuring and reducing their carbon footprint. Our aim was to find out how and when we could integrate their low-carbon solutions into our projects and work sites.
Being at the heart of a vast ecosystem, we once again innovated by daring to bring together these strategic suppliers, our teams, clients, engineering companies, professional federations and shareholders around a common theme: “the carbon footprint reduction process”. This forum was an opportunity to share best practices in a transparent manner and to seek solutions together to eliminate obstacles or difficulties in reducing the carbon footprint.
Our ambition is to deploy this approach in our other territories from 2022 onwards and to share it with other companies, convinced that collective intelligence must take precedence over individual interest.
Contribute to carbon neutrality and reduce our emissions with our upstream and downstream strategic stakeholders.
Networking, internationalisation
01/04/2021 – projet toujours en cours
Our “Carbon Fighter” initiative has involved more than 100 participants. The objective of reducing our carbon footprint by 2022 is 15,000t eqCO2. Our approach has enabled us to identify low-carbon solutions that we are getting our clients to accept or are already implementing on our sites.
The recent presentation of our “Carbon Fighter” approach to the Purchasing and CSR departments of the Bouygues Group’s subsidiaries (Colas, TF1, Bouygues Construction, Bouygues Télécom, Bouygues Bâtiment) was once again very well received. The Colas Group, with its 55,000 employees in 50 countries, has asked us to support the deployment of this approach in its territories.
The “Carbon Fighter” approach was awarded the Innovation Environnement 2021 prize by Colas Rail.
The “carbon fighter #1” process and forum were rated 4.8/5 by participants for the transparency of the exchanges, the multi-stakeholder approach, as well as the collective commitment to a common issue: reducing the carbon footprint.
We are continuing this cooperation around 3 axes:
Reference framework for measuring the carbon footprint in the railway sector
Good practices across the sector
Integration and financing of low-carbon innovations in construction sites
The results will be presented at a new forum in the second half of 2022.
In addition, we have presented this approach to other players such as the RATP and the Federation of Railway Industries who were unable to attend. Their representatives will join our workshops.
Equity capital
Colas Rail, the rail subsidiary of the Colas Group, builds rail infrastructure for high-speed lines, conventional lines, metros, tramways and trolley buses.
Our expertise is deployed close to our customers on both simple and complex projects, as a designer, creator of innovative and sustainable mobility solutions, builder, system integrator and maintainer. We are present in more than 20 countries and employ 5,600 people worldwide working in 12 different business lines.
BOUYGUES Group, COLAS Group, Federations of Railway Industries, National Federation of Public Works, SYSTRA, EGIS, Société du Grand Paris, etc.
And many French and international railway suppliers.