Civil society at the heart of the ecological transition
The Council for the Follow-up of the Recommendations of the New Africa-France Summit is a structure made up of Cameroonians and French people responsible for reflecting on the new relations between the two countries.
Overview of the project
The aim of this 24-month project (2023-2025) is to build the capacity of Cameroon’s civil society players to integrate the challenges of ecological transition into sectoral policies and actions, as well as into the attitudes and practices of all players.
The project aims to contribute to this aspiration by
- (1) mapping the local players in Cameroon‘s 07 regions who are involved in the ecological transition
- (2) making available a monographic study in 07 regions of Cameroon, aimed at identifying and better understanding the issues and impacts of the Ecological Transition in our current context. The study will also make it possible to formulate relevant recommendations with a view to improving the action of the actors involved in the field.
- The project will also help (3) to raise awareness among stakeholders of the importance of incorporating the Ecological Transition into their work, particularly through various training courses.
- The project will (4) encourage innovation by funding micro-projects that not only help to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, but also provide solutions for adapting to and/or mitigating the effects of climate change.
- Finally, it intends to (5) provide CSOs with a platform for exchanging and pooling content and coordinating activities, promoting the sharing of experience and networking between all project stakeholders.
At the same time, and in order to ensure the sustainability of the actions carried out, the ministries concerned, the local and decentralised authorities in Cameroon and France and the traditional authorities directly concerned by the challenge of ecological transition will be involved in all the activities.
Strengthen the capacity of civil society actors- particularly those in Cameroon - to integrate the challenges of the ecological transition into sectoral policies and actions, and into the attitudes and practices of all actors.
Ongoing research
01/05/2023 -01/05/2025 ''project still in progress''
– 10,000 people made aware of the issues and impacts of the ecological transition.
– At least two Cameroon/France experience-sharing workshops organised every six months.
– More than 200 hours of training delivered on relevant solutions for accelerating cultural projects linked to the ecological transition.
– At least 10 training sessions for 20 civil society groups/organisations organised on setting up and managing projects, fundraising, advocacy and citizen mobilisation.
– A relevant map of the players involved in the ecological transition and the quality of interactions between players is available.
– CSOs are made aware of the issues and impacts of the ecological transition and are trained in good practice according to their areas of activity.
– At least two Cameroon/France experience-sharing workshops are organised every six months and good practices are documented.
– Setting up a platform for dialogue on ecological transition issues.
Co-constructed by the Cooperation Department of the French Embassy and the Council for the follow-up of the recommendations of the New Africa-France Summit. The Fonds de solidarité pour les projets innovants, les sociétés civiles, la francophonie et le développement humain (FSPI) is the flagship funding mechanism of the French Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs.
The Council for the Follow-up of the Recommendations of the New Africa-France Summit is a body tasked with reflecting on the new relationship between France and Cameroon. Its activities include:
- Exchanging views between French and Cameroonian civil society on the challenges of rebuilding relations between Cameroon and France, and even between Africa and Europe.
- Lobby public and private decision-makers to promote actions, initiatives and approaches aimed at rebuilding relations.
- Train Cameroonian and French civil society players in order to improve their knowledge and skills and enhance their interventions on common challenges such as climate change.
- Partner organisations in Cameroon:
Fondation-conseil Jeune (FCJ), Cercle d’Appui au développement rural (CADER), ADISI Cameroon, Communes et villes unies du Cameroun, ARC, BOUKAROU, New SETA - Partner organisations in France :
TrustInside, Je m’engage pour l’Afrique, SIMPLON