Climate Action Legui Legui
CALL Senegal (Climate Action Légui Légui cii Sénégal) is an initiative of the Heinrich Böll Foundation Senegal that aims to raise awareness on climate change and promote climate action in Senegal.

Overview of the project

CALL Senegal (Climate Action Légui cii Senegal) is an initiative of the Heinrich Böll Foundation Senegal that aims to raise awareness on climate change and promote climate action in Senegal.
In the fight for the promotion of ecology and better environmental justice in Senegal, the climate issue is still less highlighted than other issues such as plastic pollution or coastal erosion. It is therefore with the aim of drawing the attention of the Senegalese population, but also of development actors, to the necessity and urgency of taking action in favour of the climate that the communication and public awareness campaign was developed.
The Green Team (JVE SENEGAL, TERANGA LAB…..), after several years of capacity building activities for community radios and youth organisations, decided this year to engage in mass awareness raising and capacity building of organisations and actors on the existing political process and governance framework in the field of the environment in Senegal.
This year, the programme is active in several regions: Saint Louis, Dakar, Thiès (Somone), Kolda, Sedhiou and Ziguinchor.
The activities :
- Training of CBOs and journalists;
- Awareness raising through the organisation of CLIMATE NIGHTS, NDEKKI CLIMATE;
- Citizen mobilisation;
- Communication through PODCASTS, radio programmes and documentaries on the environment;
- FORM’ACTION: field action: development, reforestation…
To contribute to the capacity building and involvement of Youth and Women in the fight against climate change and the process of sustainable development through education, training, communication and awareness raising.
Ongoing research
Project still in progress
The project has :
- Trained over 250 Journalists
- Produced over 15 podcasts
- Produced 12 VIDEO capsules
- Strengthened the capacity of over 100 CBOs
- Reforested over 5000 plants
- 2 sites developed
- More than 15 webinars organised
- The project has enabled member organisations to become more professional through the actions carried out.
- The project has mobilised resources beyond the partners, several grassroots community organisations have been strengthened, and a web platform has been created to bring together all the project’s achievements.
le projet est financé par la Fondation Heinrich Boell Senegal
The Green Team is a network of organisations created in 2018 by JVE SENEGAL and TERANGA LAB and aims to contribute to boosting the participation of young people in the effort to fight climate change.
Green Team Senegal is a consortium of several organisations active in the fight against environmental degradation. The consortium came into being in September 2019, on the occasion of the World Climate Strike Day.
Green Team Senegal’s ambition is to mobilise a critical mass of citizens around environmental challenges through: a platform for exchange and learning, implementation of pilot projects on credible alternatives in the Dakar region as a first step, and in the rest of Senegal afterwards.
Through its awareness and mobilisation activities, the Green Team Senegal consortium aims to
- Bringing together citizen actions that promote alternatives
- Participate in the movement of cities in transition
- Co-construct sustainable cities and territories
- Develop the solidarity economy
- Fight against massive environmental damage
Today, the network counts more than 10 organisations and carries out activities throughout the country
in collaboration
- Community Radios
- Local authorities in the target regions