Climate resilient agriculture and environmental conservation

This project leaded by "Empower The Northern Frontie" aims to offer an alternative source of livelihood to nomadic pastrolists living in the Arid areas of Samburu county and to promote the reforestation through tree planting and sustainable land usage.

An initiative of Empower The Northern Frontier

Overview of the project

The project focuses on the Samburus population – who is traditional nomadic pastoralists. Those people are quite often victims of insecurity – many due to cases of cattle rustling that have tragic consequences (widowed women and orphaned children).
The organisation wants to give them hope and stability by introducing them to agriculture where they will grow crops and vegetables to supplement their diets and also sell some. Then, it plans to construct green houses and harvest water through dug wells that can supply water to the farms throughput the year.
Once in operation, it will provide them with seedlings for planting. Some will be planted at the farm. It also enlists school children through their environment clubs to plant and take care of the seedlings till maturity.
Through this initiative, it hopes to introduce over 1000 homesteads to agriculture.


To offer an alternative source of livelihood to nomadic pastrolists living in the Arid areas of Samburu county and to promote the reforestation through tree planting and sustainable land usage.

Level of progress

Prospective study, market survey

Project timeline

06/01/2020 - 1/6/2021

Quantitative results

Planted 3000 trees.

Qualitative results

Balanced diet being served at homesteads due to our climate resilient agricultural practices programme


Volunteer and well wishers

About the

Empower The Northern Frontier

Washingtone Njeru

Promotion of climate resilient agricultural practices and environmental conservation

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