Climate-smart agriculture and preserving ecosystems in Northern Uganda
Climate-smart agriculture project in Uganda, simultaneously protecting ecosystems and improving livelihoods.

Overview of the project

Protecting ecosystems and improving livelihoods must go hand-in-hand in the Rwenzori Mountains (Mountains of the Moon) in Uganda, a biodiversity hotspot that also has a growing local population. This project aims to conserve biodiversity and contribute to improving the livelihoods of local communities through sustainable financing mechanisms.
Supporting sustainable funding instruments for biodiversity conservation national regulatory and institutional framework for payment for ecosystem services was developed 911 farmers were trained in group governance, catchment management and payment for ecosystem services 5 000 seedlings were distributed to farmers, 251 hectares were planted, and woodlots were established in the 2014 season tourist numbers increased, with support from the Uganda Tourist Board.
Simultaneously protecting ecosystems and improving livelihoods
Multi-site development
August 2019
Community distribution, shares
- To equip the community with skills to manage their environment In order to achieve this objective number one, we shall carry out the following;
- Trainings Immediately after the initial mobilization, sensitization and group formation we shall embark on the training of the group members on group dynamics. This shall give them the skills on how to manage their groups and solve disputes.
- Sustainable environmental management This training shall be given to all the groups for 2 days; it will enlighten them on issues of environmental degradation, climate change and the mitigation measures.
- Sustainable wetlands management. This training shall be conducted in all the groups. It shall be for 2 day at their sub county HQ. It will Address the issues of wet land degradation and the mitigation measures including the laws governing the use of the wet lands.
- Agro forestry management. This shall give the farmer s skills to integrate selected tree species of various uses in their farms, Procure and distribute seedlings to farmers, the tree seedlings given out shall provide the family with timber after their growth.
- To improves access to HIV/AIDS information and services.
- The community shall be sensitized on the dangers of HIV/Aids. They shall be counseled and tested. Those that have been found positive shall be referred to their near by health centers for them to access treatment.
- Community shall be encouraged to under go medical male circumcision. We shall organize the community on specific dates at their heath centers to carry out the circumcision. We shall liaise with the office of the District medical officer to carry out this exercise.
- Continues counseling and follow ups shall be made to the positive victims to avoid stigmatization and that they should follow the advice of the medical personnel. (d) Provision of nutritional food supplement shall be given out to the children living positively with HIV/AIDS and the breast feeding mothers on the monthly basis for those who are registered with the NUEPHA
- Provision of nutritional support to children and people living with HIV /AIDS
- Provide school fees to the orphans who are school going and happen to registered with NUEPHA shall be another important service we shall render to the community.
aids for trade UK
Mike Facilitator