Community Capacity Building for Climate Change Resilience Project “PRCCRCC”
ADISCO promotes the implementation of legal and institutional measures at the local level in order to integrate climate change adaptation mechanisms into their development plans.

Overview of the project
Today, the major challenge facing climate change planning processes is to build the adaptive capacities of different actors and communities to face climate change’s adverse effects. To this end, adaptation and resilience to climate change and climate variability must be a priority. Management of climate uncertainty and potential risks must be taken into account during the cropping season.
Successful adaptation requires a continuous review process, anticipation of future climate uncertainty, and flexibility to respond to changes as they occur. Therefore, communication, an understanding of seasonal predictions, and management of climate uncertainty are essential elements for climate information services to enable informed decision making for adaptation and resilience. Understanding and communicating uncertainty encourages foresight, decision making, and anticipatory and flexible planning; fostering innovation, reflection, experimentation, and mobilisation of support systems needed for adaptive and resilient development. Communicating uncertainty provides useful information for risk assessment, which can help coordinate and integrate early warning, risk education, safety nets, emergency response and sectoral planning. It builds resilience and adaptive capacities of a nation and its people to live with a variable and changing climate.
This project implements the will of the Government of Burundi by establishing a framework that aims to increase the capacities, roles and responsibilities of different actors, meteorological services, and communities in the forecasting and management of crises that can affect the living systems of all or a very large proportion of households in the community.
This project aims to develop mechanisms for adapting to climate change effects in order to adopt a strategy to deal with change, strengthen the legal and institutional framework, and promote the adequate integration of adaptation and mitigation measures in municipality development.
Ongoing research
- Establishment of six disaster risk management colline (hill council) platforms (PFC) in the six intervention collines (hill councils) in three communes. These PFC have equal representation between men and women.
- Identification of existing technologies in Burundi and the Great Lakes region for adaptation to climate change in the areas of land management, water management, forest protection and energy.
- Awareness raising workshops were held for local administrations (towns and hill councils) and communities; six workshops to raise community awareness on the issue of climate change and three workshops to inform the municipal administrations and decentralised services concerned with climate change.
- Three workshops were held to present an administrative communication on the 2019 crop season weather forecast and participatory scenario planning in the framework of climate change communication.
- Production of agroforestry and natural species in an efficient and innovative agro-sylvo-pastoral model; 166,475 agroforestry plants, 123,250 plants of natural forest species and bamboos on 30 sites spread over six collines (hill councils) were multiplied in the first year.
- Installation of suitable anti-erosion devices; 7,072 linear metres have been laid out in the six collines (hill councils).
- Support for contractualisation with the administration on the maintenance activities of communal afforestation/ marshlands by local committees; four people on the Busiga Hill Council, four people on the Gashinge Hill Council, and three people on the Muhenga Hill Council negotiated to make their land, threatened by landslides/ erosion, available for the installation of micro-forestation co-managed by a private individual and the collines (hill councils). On the Ruce Hill Council, a piece of land in the municipality has been identified and discussions are underway with the municipal administration of Rugazi.
The colline committees (hill council committees) were involved in generating and monitoring extreme weather conditions during the season.
- According to the information provided by the committees, heavy rainfall mixed with wind and hail was observed in the border collines (hill councils) of Kibira (Ruce, Busiga, and Nyarusange) on the following days in 2018; 20/10, 04/12, 09/12, 13/12, and on 10/12 and 17/12 for the collines (hill councils) of Muhenga, Gatura and Krengane.
- Damage to corn, beans, cassava and cassava beans, and banana crops was observed.
- Flooding was observed in Gatura.
This project is funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ).
Appui au Développement Intégral et la Solidarité sur les Collines / Support for Integral Development and Solidarity in the Hill Councils (ADISCO) is a non-profit association, under Burundian law recognised by order N0 530/759 of 2 August 2006, made up of members who subscribe to its values, strategic analysis, and who demonstrate a proven commitment to the cause of national solidarity and/or development.
The organisation focuses in particular on building community capacity for climate change resilience.
in collaboration