Contribution to the Rehabilitation of Fragile Ecological Systems: Stipa Tenacissima and Pistacia Atlantica at Ain Sefra
Association Terre Verte (Green Earth Association) is committed to the rehabilitation and preservation of flora and fauna, particularly the stipa tenacissima plant and pistacia atlantic variety of pistachio trees.

Overview of the project
The project aims to contribute to rehabilitating fragile ecological systems: stipa tenacissima and the Atlas pistachio tree (pistacia atlantica) in the Ain Sefra region, for their preservation and multiplication, as they are emblematic and some of the most threatened species; the steppes of stipa tenacissima (Alfa) have lost 94% of their surface area since 1978 (Hourizi et al, 2017). These species are considered to be medicinal, pastoral and industrial plants. The objective is to establish a seed bank (pastoretum), as a means of defense, implementing the same ecological conditions as the rangelands concerned by the rehabilitation. Furthermore, seedlings produced in the nursery will be transplanted in the pastoretum in large numbers in order to create a favourable environment for the multiplication of live seeds, to motivate biodiversity, and mitigate climate change and degradation. The remaining quantity will be sent to the local communities involved in the project, with a view to widespread dispersal in the intervention zone for their conservation and preservation.
Contribute to the rehabilitation of the stipa tenacissima plants and the pistacia atlantica, Mount Atlas pistachio tree, two endangered species in the region.
Ongoing research
- A floristic inventory of stipa tenacissima and Atlas pistachio trees was drawn up in the region of Ain Sefra.
- A map of the range of stipa tenacissima and Atlas pistachio trees was produced.
- A fact sheet on the two species was produced to constitute a scientific database.
- A strategy was adopted by local stakeholders to protect the areas of stipa tenacissima and Atlas pistachio trees.
- A micro-bank of stipa tenacissima and Atlas pistachio tree seeds was created.
- A production nursery measuring 12 by 8 metres was established.
- Three hectares of stipa tenacissima and 1,000 seedlings of Atlas pistachio were planted in the pastoretum and on degraded rangelands.
- Farmers (30), herders (20), women (10), members of associations (20) and staff of relevant institutions (10) in the project area are trained and informed on the dangers threatening local biodiversity and how to deal with it, and practice planting stipa tenacissima and Atlas pistachio trees in the project area.
- Three green clubs of 75 school children are established and active.
- The 30 farmers, 20 agro-pastoralists, 20 villagers or Bedouins and the 75 schoolchildren are aware of the need to preserve biodiversity in the region (conference-workshop).
- The action of preserving steppe biodiversity to mitigate climate change is popularised and publicised in the media, including information on the action and preservation of biodiversity and the environment in the steppe zone of Ain Sefra.
Programme of Small Initiatives for North African Civil Society Organisations (PPI-OSCAN 2) / International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)
The organisation’s mission and objectives are:
- Preservation of local heritage and natural resources
- Contribute to the improvement of the environmental and social situation
- Contribution, cooperation and social solidarity for local development
- Contribute to preserving the environment and biodiversity
- Protect natural resources in the context of sustainable development
- Promote the substance of life and human rights