Corporate Environmental Diagnostics
Since 1994, the Cellule Environnement, the fruit of a partnership between Wallonia and UWE, has been raising awareness among Walloon companies of the need for optimum environmental management. UWE represents and defends Wallonia's 80,000 businesses, promoting their prosperity through a framework conducive to sustainable development.

Overview of the project
The Cellule Environnement de l’Union Wallonne des Entreprises advises, informs and guides companies in their environmental initiatives.
To do this, the Environment Unit carries out an environmental diagnosis, a true environmental assessment of the company, in order to target priority actions to be implemented.
The initiative mainly targets Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) wishing to obtain practical advice in order to reduce their impacts on the environment. These SMEs represent 99% of the Walloon economic fabric and generally have little time and resources to understand the environmental issue as a whole.
The diagnosis carried out by the Unit’s environmental advisors favors direct contact with the company. It consists of a half-day company visit and results in the delivery of a personalized report including an assessment of the current situation and proposals for improvement (regulatory compliance and good practices).
The objectives of this diagnosis are multiple:
– Identify regulatory obligations specific to the company (environmental permits, waste, water, soil and storage, noise, etc.).
– Analyze current management of waste, water, energy, etc.
– Identify environmental strengths and weaknesses
– Inform about available assistance and resource people
– Propose appropriate avenues for improvement
This intervention is carried out free of charge and with respect for confidentiality.
Raising awareness among Wallonia's companies of the need for better environmental management and pollution reduction through environmental diagnostics.
Ongoing research
01/03/1994 - Project still in progress
1,500 environmental diagnostics have been carried out since 1994. More than 30,000 recommendations for improvement have been made (regulatory compliance and best practices).
In addition, over the years, the Environmental Unit has also developed :
– 1 awareness-raising website, featuring more than 50 success stories from companies with remarkable environmental initiatives
– 6 thematic awareness-raising brochures (biodiversity, waste, water, waste prevention, employee awareness, environmental management systems)
– 1 “helpdesk” to answer companies’ environmental questions
– 1 annual symposium and information sessions on topical environmental issues
The environmental diagnosis is a tool that enables companies to identify concrete courses of action to reduce their environmental impact.
The content of the diagnosis has evolved over the years, incorporating new and topical themes (climate, biodiversity, etc.) while taking into account the concerns of SMEs in the field. The report presented to the company generally serves as a starting point and aims to make the environment seen as an opportunity for development, rather than a constraint.
The environmental diagnoses carried out by UWE’s Environment Unit were recognized in 2005 by the European Commission as one of the best examples of environmental assistance programs for SMEs.
Funding by public authorities (Walloon Region)
The result of a public-private partnership between Wallonia and the Union Wallonne des Entreprises (UWE), the Cellule Environnement has been active since 1994, with the main aim of raising awareness among Wallonia’s companies of the need for better environmental management and pollution reduction.
The Union Wallonne des Entreprises (UWE) is the private employers’ organization that works to ensure the prosperity of Wallonia, by creating and supporting a climate and framework that enable the creation and development of competitive, sustainable businesses. From small family businesses to large multinationals, UWE represents and defends Wallonia’s 80,000 businesses. All branches of industry and services are represented.
Public Service of Wallonia