Development of community initiatives based on agroforestry and improved beekeeping to promote biodiversity conservation in the peripheral areas of the Dzanga Sangha protected areas

This project aims to contribute to biodiversity conservation through the development of a community-based approach based on integrated agroforestry and beekeeping to improve the living conditions of CLA.

An initiative of Youth for the Protection of the Environment in Central African Republic (Jeunesse pour la Protection de l'environnement en Centrafrique - JPEC)

Overview of the project

The degradation of the ecosystems, fauna and flora, of the Dzanga Sangha APDS is due to inappropriate practices: bush fires, use of pesticides, hunting and fishing, deforestation, and the development of mining in the surrounding area.

This degradation causes the loss of biodiversity, the drying up of water, etc. To address these problems, JPEC proposes to carry out this project in the localities of Ngoulo and Lopo in the Sangha Mbaéré prefecture.


Contribute to the conservation of biodiversity through the development of a community approach based on integrated agroforestry and beekeeping in order to improve the living conditions of CLA.

Level of progress

Ongoing research

Project timeline

02/2021 - 02/2022

Quantitative results
  • 60 leaders of the different agro-forestry groups and beekeepers are trained
  • 10 groups are structured as a Cooperative of Local Groups for Sustainable Development
  • 10 groups have their statutory texts
  • 10 groups are equipped with reforestation materials and tools
  • 6000 Essesseng (African tropical wood) nurseries are planted
  • 6 hectares of degraded agricultural land are restored.
Qualitative results
  • Communities are trained in appropriate forestry, environment, and agriculture practices adapted to climate change
  • CLAs master techniques of reforestation and improved beekeeping

Financement du PMF/FEM

About the

Youth for the Protection of the Environment in Central African Republic (Jeunesse pour la Protection de l'environnement en Centrafrique - JPEC)

National Coordinator
  • Training session for community women leaders on the governance of natural resources and the environment, the fight against climate change and COVID-19
  • 10 agro-forestry groups and beekeepers are trained on reforestation techniques and improved beekeeping in the face of climate change
  • Providing the groups with reforestation tools and equipment
  • Structuring and elaboration of statutory texts called Cooperative of Local Groups for Sustainable Development
Other partners / supporters
  • Ministry of Water and Forestry, Hunting and Fishing
  • Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development
  • Local municipality
  • Local Community and Aboriginals