Enforcing Community-Led Conservation Leadership around Ebo forest
AJESH is a Cameroon based Non for Profit organisation specialized in Nature Based Solutions

Overview of the project
The project followed a Participatory approach that allowed for communities to make contributions in mapping and planning the use of their lands. This helped reinforce the process of community conservation initiatives that enhanced the conservation of the Ebo forest and the Yabassi legacy KBA in general.
The project in the Ebo forest aimed for the following objectives:
- Strengthen the capacities of 150 local communities groups encouraging women and youth participation in natural resources management and environmental education.
- Document the land tenure and natural resources rights among 3 communities as a key step in alleviating resource conflicts and enhancing the management of Ebo forest.
- Support communities to carry out climate smart agriculture in their farms.
- Promote large-scale restoration activities using the Assisted Natural Regeneration and Agroforestry practices.
Contribute to ameliorating land governance and natural resource management in the Yabassi legacy KBA.
Pilote operation, experimentation
10/01/2021 - 06/30/2022
- 13540 ha of land earmarked for community biodiversity protection project (Community Forestry);
- Over 1700 trees already planted and growing;
- 3 community participatory mapping conducted in 3 villages;
- 3 land use planning documents developed;
- 13540 ha of land earmarked for community led protection as Community Forestry involving 3 meetings;
- 30 farmer groups trained and supported with EcoAgricultural practices and farm inputs.
- Multi-stakeholder climate adaptation and forest management platform operationalised in the landscape
- Conflicting community land claims resolved with use of Community Participatory Mapping
- Reduced illegal logging and poaching in Ndocktoun, Ndogmem-Nord and Mosse carried out by 18 trained community youths
- Natural regeneration process ongoing on 6.6ha degraded lands in Ndocktoun (2.3ha), Ndogmem-Nord (2.5ha) and Mosse (1.8ha) led by land use planning management committees (LUPMCs)
The project was financed through the Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund (CEPF) - Small grant program managed by Birdlife International.
AJESH is a Cameroon based Non for Profit organisation registered under law No 90/053 of 19th December 1990 governing freedom of Associations in Cameroon. We work in Nature Based Solution focusing on: Sustainable Management of Natural Resources (Wildlife Management, Forest Restoration, Land Governance, Biodiversity Conservation, Watersheds, Forest degradation, Climate Change, Landscape Management, etc), and Agriculture (Income Generating Activities, Value Chains, etc).
Ebo Forest Research Project (EBO)
Association of Traditional Rulers around the Ebo Forest Massif.