Engaging the masses with Climate change
Climate Change Unfolding's initiative is to help and to give tools and strategies to projects that are willing to cope with the climate change's impacts to mitigate and adapt them.

Overview of the project
To solve the climate crisis, we need more people to engage. All of the incredible people, ideas, innovations, businesses and initiatives that are showcased in your summit could have exponentially more impact with the right strategy to engage the masses.
I see so many projects making basic communication errors, that cripple their ability to explosively ripple through the culture. I see lessons I’ve learnt in other industries not being applied in the climate change field. Worst of all I see climate change initiatives that I really believe in, that would do so much good for the world, limiting their impact because of their inability to engage the un-empowered, silent majority of the population. I see people trying to influence change, but struggling to engage key decision makers.
The project I am running aims to help change that, in part through a podcast, and also through public speaking and engagement I am sharing other peoples research and what I’ve learnt on the topic. I would love the opportunity to give the delegates of your summit tools, tricks and concepts that will help them be dramatically more successful with engaging the masses with their work, as well as inspiring key decision makers and influencers to get behind what they are doing.
To give tools and strategies to other projects to help them inspire mass engagement, and engage key decision makers.
Ongoing research
Self financed
Climate Change Unfolding is a podcast on climate change, most recently a resource to help people working in the field engage the masses, change the culture and inspire interest in their own projects. I am involved with Bubugo Conservation Trust with a project that weaves together conservation, reforestation, habitat restoration with income generation for low income communities surrounding. I also run Kayak the Nile, one of the world’s leading Kayak schools that has changed it’s operations to become much more climate and environmentally friendly.