Enhancing the use of Boko River’s bottomlands by implementing pedal pumping systems and promoting organic farming

This project aims to promote organic farming by enhancing the use of Boko river's bottomlands via the installation of pedal pumping systems artisanal, solar drip and use of composts and bio pesticides.

An initiative of ONG OPED (Organisation for the Environment and Sustainable development)

Overview of the project

Organic vegetable cultivation / farming requires a regular intake of water in order to water and irrigate crops. This brings us to the enhancement of bottomlands situated near to the Boko River, via pedal pumping systems enabling not only organic farming (with irrigation out of season) to be practiced  but also to contribute to the fight against climate change that has impacts on the farming that depends solely on rain as well as farming profits in this zone. This type of farming is also a way of fighting against floods in the bottomland areas.

In other words it is a very ecological and economical system because it does not work with fuel. A pedal pumping system will be added and hand-made solar drip systems for water saving on the farm for certain crops.


Promoting organic farming by enhancing the use of Boko river's bottomlands via the installation of pedal pumping systems artisanal, solar drip and use of composts and bio pesticides.

Level of progress

Pilote operation, experimentation

Project timeline

June 2018 - November 2018

Quantitative results
  • Revitalization of the members (30 members) of the group Dieu Bénit.
  • Capacity building and training of the members (30 members) of the group on: the techniques of production of composts and bio pesticides, the new farming techniques in organic farming, the concept of commercial marketing and family budget.
  • Installation of (02) compost production platforms, one (01) bio pesticides;
  • Installation of (02) pedal pumping and irrigation systems.
  • Acquisition of agricultural equipment / market gardening and safety equipment.
  • Exploitation of the cultivable area of the project (2 hectares
Qualitative results
  • Plant productivity is improved through the use of composts and bio pesticides.
  • Pedal pumping and solar drip systems are popularized.
  • The organic products resulting from the production are marketed, the jobs are created as well as the AGRs reducing the unemployment at the level of the rural population.
  • Outlets and delivery of organic agricultural products are created in the project area

Following a call for projects from the French Embassy in Togo via the SCAC whose main applicant is the NGO OPED; the technical partner is TMSU International and the beneficiary is the Groupement Dieu Bénit

About the

ONG OPED (Organisation for the Environment and Sustainable development)

KOGBE Yaovi Lowanou
+228 90 38 62 04
  • Climate change and energy
  • Water and sanitation
  • Farming and sustainable land management
  • Chemicals and waste management
Find them on
A project
in collaboration
  • TMSU International

    Non-governmental organisation

    AGBATI Koffigan