Enrichment and Restoration of Masako Forest Reserve
To plan and coordinate the implementation of all reforestation, agroforestry, horticulture, biological erosion control and assisted natural regeneration activities in accordance with the government programme.

Overview of the project
Four main stages :
- Raising awareness among stakeholders: Politico-administrative authorities, local state actors from sectoral ministries, civil society, customary authorities, international organisations, the local population and others.
- Training forest wardens and the local population in nursery installation techniques; forest and agroforestry plantations.
- Setting up the nursery for two local forest species: Milletia laurentii and Uapaca guineensis, combined with Theobroma cacao.
- Definitive planting of seedlings in open layons in the agroforests and in the forest degraded by illegal timber and energy wood harvesting.
Restoring and conserving biodiversity in an area of one hundred hectares in the Masako Forest Reserve.
Ongoing research
17/11/2021 au 31/12/2023
- 1 stakeholder awareness-raising workshop organised
- 15 forest rangers trained
- 1 nursery of 10 ares with 36 beds of 12 m2 each (1.2 m x 10 m) containing a total of 110,000 seedlings, including 55,000 of Theobroma cacao, 27,500 of Milletia laurentii and 27,500 of Uapaca guineensis, installed and maintained for 3 months.
- A plantation on 2m wide strips with a total of 54,334 plants of Theobroma cacao, 14,005 of Milletia laurentii and 13,101 of Uapaca guineensis installed.
Stakeholders were made aware of the causes of deforestation and forest degradation, their negative impacts and the themes of restoring forest landscapes as a means of combating them. Beneficiaries were trained in nursery installation techniques, forest and agroforestry plantations, and assisted natural regeneration. A nursery of two local forest species and a perennial crop was set up and maintained for three months. Layers were opened up and seedlings permanently planted.
This project was financed by the public purse

Ensure the protection and conservation of sites where the destruction of natural plant cover has taken place; Formulate a national policy for reforestation, horticulture and biological erosion control; Plan and coordinate the implementation of all reforestation, agroforestry, horticulture, biological erosion control and assisted natural regeneration activities in accordance with the government programme; To plan and coordinate all reforestation, agroforestry and horticulture projects; To ensure the supervision of stakeholders as well as the technical supervision, monitoring and evaluation of all forest capital reconstitution operations in accordance with the provisions of the law in force.