Environment and sustainable development education programme (PEED)
RADE ONG's main mission is to contribute to the resolution of problems arising in the fields of agro-economics, environmental protection

Overview of the project
Environmental education and sustainable development in schools has been understood by the non-governmental organisation Recherche Action en Développement et Environnement, which sees the need to take action with future generations to reverse the trends. The aim of such action is to promote an educational model in which Beninese schools and their stakeholders act as dynamic, aware and resilient agents in the environment. Moreover, this strategy fits in well with the SDGs, in particular the SDG 4- Education 2030 agenda, which makes specific reference to Education for the Environment and Sustainable Development. The direct beneficiaries of this project are the people who are part of a training framework (schoolchildren, teachers) to whom we want to instil the values of eco-citizenship. The indirect beneficiaries of this project are the learners’ parents, their relatives and the community.
The aim of this programme is to turn the present and future generations into responsible eco-citizens, equipped with the skills and know-how to protect the environment.
Ongoing research
project still in progress
More than 2,000 schoolchildren have been educated and trained to change their behaviour to protect the environment.
The learners are aware of the environmental, social and economic problems they face. They have acquired fundamental knowledge with great enthusiasm and joy. In order to gain a better understanding of the causes, consequences and solutions that need to be implemented if we hope to live in a better world, they have developed a sense of values, a critical mind and a willingness to take active action to improve and protect the living environment and the global environment. In fact, it was with enthusiasm and a good state of mind that the educators accompanied and supported all the activities, particularly the reforestation activity on Arbor Day. Thanks to RADE ONG, they have the means to take concrete action.
From the NGO's own funds
RADE ONG’s main mission is to contribute to the resolution of problems arising in the fields of agro-economics, environmental protection and more specifically: ecosystems, biodiversity and natural resources in a perspective of sustainable development. To achieve this mission, RADE ONG implements appropriate scientific research tools that serve as a springboard for its various activities such as:
– Management and protection of the environment and natural resources
– Management and protection of water resources
– Wastewater management and treatment techniques,
– Mechanisms for combating climate change
– Environmental education and sustainable development,
– Land-use planning and sustainable urban development
None. The Benin government (Ministry of Nursery and Primary Education) validated our training manual and consequently granted approval to implement the programme in schools and primary schools.