Environmental education and sustainable development programme – Pro2ED
A project aiming to educate populations on the environment and sustainable development, as well as taking concrete action via recycling workshops and which in the long-term, should turn into the emergence of a sustainable building enterprises.

Overview of the project
The Pro2ED programme is an initiative that aims to create a social enterprise and that means having a circular economy model to base itself on, OGreen specialised in eco-construction.
This project consists in educating for stimulating an awakening amongst the population in terms of environmental protection, enhancing recycled products from waste, and taking eco-construction actions in Togo and Africa.
Educating because we are all aware of how changing mindsets can enhance sustainable impacts. In detail, we educate populations by going into schools, high schools and organise workshops for paper recycling, plastic recycling, ecological decorating and even, at the advanced stage, eco-building ecological houses with electricity generated from solar and biogaz sources.
People involved in the project are free to participate in all trainings on recycling and the importance of basing urban planning on a “sustainable city” model.
Our products and services:
- ecological walls made from mixed un Evian bottles with sand and ciment,
- decorations and other objects
Educating populations on the environment and sustainable development, as well as taking concrete action via recycling workshops and which in the long-term, should turn into the emergence of a sustainable building enterprises.