Congo - Kinshasa

Forest Project for All: Reforestation

The Association des Fermiers pour un Développement Durable is based in the Democratic Republic of Congo and fights for good ecology.

An initiative of ONG Association des Fermiers pour un Développement Durable « A.F.D.D »

Overview of the project

The action consists of combating deforestation, forest degradation and their impact on the climate by applying REDD+ actions, with a few innovations.

Given that forests account for 40% of the total quantity of carbon existing on earth, it is understandable that their regression or combustion would double the amount of carbon in the atmosphere.

Deforestation modifies both global and local climates: trees contribute more than other flora to the phenomenon of avapo-transpiration, and thus to rainfall, the source of vital local humidity in tropical zones.

The destruction of forest cover also aggravates soil erosion and the loss of accumulated humus.

Restoring and afforesting plant species, in this case acacias, seems the best solution, as they absorb light and cool the air through evapo-transmission, whereas bare soil reflects the sun’s energy back into the atmosphere, warming and dehydrating it. Their roots unclog the soil and can fetch water from depths of up to several dozen meters.

By pursuing the specific objectives set out below, our project aims, first and foremost, to structure the various local social players (associations and NGOs, other local organizations and associations, political and administrative authorities, customary authorities, etc.) in a way that will enable them to play an active role in the development of the region.


Structuring and building the capacities of local social players in environmental matters based on REDD+ actions; Protecting natural forests and their resources; Significantly reducing the use of firewood, cooking wood and charcoal by peasant households.

Level of progress

Ongoing research

Project timeline

May 2023 – May 2025 IN PROGRESS

Quantitative results

– ± 2,000 ecological stoves (with solar panels) will be distributed to farming households through women;
– Creation of ± 600 jobs, including ± 500 jobs for women in reforestation.

Qualitative results

The expected impact of the project is the profound transformation of the customs, behaviours and habits of ± 100,000 Congolese farmers in general, and of the town of Bandundu and its surroundings in particular, in their ways of managing “the forest” in view of the role it plays in mitigating the effects of climate change and improving human living conditions, since the survival of the natural forest through the creation of artificial forests provides them with a secure source of agricultural production, charcoal (for sale) and energy for local consumption.


Local contributions

About the

ONG Association des Fermiers pour un Développement Durable « A.F.D.D »

Ngbowa Manzima Nypphon
Project Manager

The Association des Fermiers pour un Développement Durable is based in the Democratic Republic of Congo and fights for good ecology.

Since its creation, “A.F.D.D” ONG and its partners have been supporting Congolese farming communities.

This project was initiated at the request of local communities, who are currently faced with a serious problem of deforestation that merits special attention, even though it is self-induced.

The area around the town of Bandundu, which used to represent one of the country’s major forest reserves, currently accounts for only 26% of its total forest area. These forests are in full regression as a result of deforestation.

Other partners / supporters

Name of the NGO: Union des Jeunes Chercheurs pour la Reconstruction du Congo
Head Office: Boulevard LUMUMBA n°625, Quartier Résidentiel,
Commune de Limeté, Kinshasa/ R. D. du Congo