Community forestry: Future Concession of Local Community Forests “CFCL KISIMBOSA CHAMAKASA”
Community forestry project that aims to promote and secure the socio-economic and cultural rights of the indigenous Pygmy peoples of Kisimbosa Chamakasa.

Overview of the project
Since 2009, the PIDP SHIRIKA LA BAMBUTI has been supporting Pygmy indigenous peoples in 2 localities, Bananingi and Bafuna Bakano, in the Bakano Sector in Walikale Territory. It all began with the dissemination of the forestry code, which was followed by advocacy for the acquisition in the DRC of Decree No. 018 of 02 August 2014 setting out the modalities for allocating forest concessions to local communities and Ministerial Decree No. 025/CAB/MIN/ECN-DD/CI/00/RBM/2016 of 09 February 2016 laying down specific provisions relating to the management and exploitation of local communities’ forest concessions.
Thus, the PIPD has supported indigenous peoples in several areas: in participatory mapping of rights, in community structuring in different bodies according to the law, in the multi-resource inventory, in socio-economic study, in agricultural intensification, in the preparation of the application file that has already been submitted to the Provincial authority adopted by the Council of Ministers and finally, soon, in the finalization of the simple management of the simple plan and zoning.
Promotion and securing of socio-economic and cultural rights of indigenous Pygmy peoples of Kisimbosa Chamakasa
Ongoing research
- 1 file prepared and submitted
- 3 Community Assemblies organized
- 1 card produced
- 4 entities set up
- Indigenous Pygmy populations are all mobilizing to secure, conserve and protect their traditional forests.
- A future model CFCL specific to indigenous Pygmy peoples in eastern DRC
The PIDP received technical support from the General Secretariat of the CRFE Network and financial support from its various partners, including RFN, FIDA, KMW, BM, ICCA Consortium, World Coalition on Forests, etc.