Forests, Communities, Climate Change and Food Security in Cameroon
ECODEV works to preserve the ecosystems of the Congo Basin, which have been severely affected by the extractive industries and human activity, by carrying out forest restoration projects through reforestation activities. It supports rural communities, women, young people and indigenous peoples.

Overview of the project
This pilot project will support communities and women in the nursery production of 9,000 forest fruit plants such as bitter cola (Garcinia cola), bush mango (Irvingia gabonensis) and Djansang (Ricinodendron heudelotii). This will enable them to improve their livelihoods in a sustainable way. This approach preserves biodiversity in the plots by intercropping trees with other edible and medicinal plants, and more broadly contributes to the fight against climate change by restoring forest cover in degraded areas.
It is being implemented in the northern part of Cameroon, in particular in the Mbam, Kim and Haute Sanaga divisions. The project will benefit around 1,300 people, including 350 women and over 800 children. Firstly, it will provide communities with micro-enterprises, training and equipment.
Secondly, the intervention is part of the wider actions of EcoDev and its partner RFUK in the region, which will be coupled with the monitoring and promotion of community rights. More specifically, it aims to support communities in the production of edible forest fruit plants; to set up a nursery of domesticated forest fruit plants for reforestation purposes on farms and in degraded areas in community forests; and to distribute forest plants to the people of the three villages for introduction into their fields and into degraded areas.
Helping rural and indigenous communities, particularly women, to produce 9,000 forest fruit plants in nurseries, such as Bitter cola, wild mango and Djansan, which are essential for consumption and health. These plants will be planted in their agricultural fields and community forest.
Ongoing research
01/01/2023- 31/08/2023
- 600 men and women sensitised in the project areas
- 400 men and women involved in the project communities
- 150 agricultural plots geo-referenced
- 1 map of agricultural plots for each of the project villages was produced
- 3 nursery sites found and 06 resource persons, including 03 women, given responsibility
- The 3 communities were provided with the equipment needed to build propagators, boards for potted seedlings, shade baskets and potted seedling production.
- 3 training sessions were organised and 12 members of the office responsible for managing the 03 FCs and 09 leaders of village women’s associations were trained.
- 9,000 potted plants are present in the project communities
- The project communities are involved in the production of edible forest fruit seedlings.
- Domesticated forest fruit plants for reforestation on farms and degraded areas in community forests are available from nurseries.
The project was fully financed by the donor before the start of activities, as it was a project proposal.
Ecosystème et développement is composed by a multidisciplinary team of engineers in water and forestry, agricultural biology, a legal expert and an administrative and financial manager. Its vision is of a world where natural ecosystems guarantee inclusive sustainable development. ECODEV works to preserve the ecosystems of the Congo Basin, which have been severely affected by the extractive industries and human activity, by carrying out forest restoration projects through reforestation activities. It supports rural communities, women, young people, indigenous peoples and any group that suffers marginalisation because of its specific nature. We work to disseminate and protect the rights of everyone, but also to emancipate minorities.
in collaboration