I-Site Futurable

Our association conducts awareness-raising and foresight workshops in the territories of the Loire estuary alongside Nantes Métropole.

An initiative of Nantes Futurable

Overview of the project

Since 2021, we have initiated a collaboration with the Water and Environment Laboratory of the Gustave Eiffel University as part of the I-SITE Future “Researcher-Citizens” project call, the objective of which is to think about the city of tomorrow through the use of serious gaming. This collaboration saw the contribution of the IRSTV ( Institute of Research on the Sciences and Technologies of the City) and the LISAA laboratory (Literature, Knowledge and Arts) of the Gustave Eiffel University. The concrete productions, products resulting from this work, are intended to enrich the various scenarios of the game. The themes involved are as follows: the vegetation of the city, climate projections, urban hydrology, water management structures, soil artificialisation, soil quality, and soil ecosystem services. The aim is to integrate into the game the major dynamics and trends at work in the area concerned in a mediatory and scientific popularisation approach. Particular attention was paid to the scenario structuring of the data and the questions submitted to the players, with the support of the LISAA laboratory.


Within the system we are developing, we are interested in the levers available to the actors: citizens, scientists and politicians. It is a question of approaching, discovering and understanding in the short, medium and long term, the challenges of climate change as well as the ecological and societal transitions taking place on the ground.

Level of progress

Ongoing research

Quantitative results

Several writing workshops and foresight workshops.
Several meetings and working sessions with researchers

Qualitative results

Production of a specific game protocol on an urban scale
Production of scenarios with researchers
Integration of data and production of maps specific to the game.
Raising awareness of the systemic risks of various audiences.


Project funded with the support of the I-SITE Future, Nantes Métropole, the IRSTV(CNRS), the LEE and the LISAA.

About the

Nantes Futurable

Alice Mounissamy

Our association is continuing to run awareness and forecasting workshops in the territories of the Loire estuary alongside Nantes Metropolitan area. Along the way, our project consists of analysing, supporting and disseminating the various scenarios produced to embody adaptation to climate change in the region.
Local and regional authorities are called upon to translate and take charge of the challenges of adaptation to climate change at their level. To assist them in this forward-looking effort, our association offers a set of tools for collective reflection. For the past two years, we have been developing a participatory system in the form of a serious game for La Carène, Cap Atlantique and Nantes Metropolitan area.

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A project
in collaboration
  • Nantes Métropole

    Collectivité territoriale

    MALLET Alban
  • IRSTV (Institut de Recherche des Sciences et techniques de la Ville) - CNRS2488
