Increasing productivity to farmers through climate smart agriculture

Youth Agribusiness Development's project supports farmers to increase their productivity through the adoption of Climate Smart Agriculture in Tanzania.

An initiative of Youth Agribusiness Development

Overview of the project

The main subject our organisation works on is increasing productivity to farmers through Climate Smart Agriculture.

This project involves teaching farmers different ways to adopt a climate smart agriculture (CSA) and the benefits that come from practicing it. This initiative involves theoretical classes and on site practical demonstrations. In theoretical part farmers will be gathered at various centers established where they will meet with experts and companies with CSA technologies. Farmers will be taught on the ways of adopting CSA technologies and the benefits accruing from adopting CSA. whereas on practical side, there will be established various demo plots at any village where the project will be implemented.

Farmers will be involved at each stage of demo plot preparation, planting, managing up to harvesting. This demo plots will be used to help even those who didn’t attend class sessions to learn on the CSA best practices. This initiative will help to increase production at scale while at the same time helping to reduce emission of green house gases resulting from improper farming activities.


This project aims to work on enabling farmers' productivity to increase thank to the adoption of Climate Smart Agriculture in Tanzania.

Level of progress

Pilote operation, experimentation

Project timeline

01/10/2019 - 9/30/2020

About the

Youth Agribusiness Development

Aloyce Mbilinyi
Chief Executive Officer

We are registered to support crop production activities in Tanzania. Our activities include providing private extension services to smallholder farmers, training farmers on post harvest handling activities and running entrepreneurship trainings to the society.