Introducing Forest and Climate Governance into the Curricula of Forestry Training Institutions in Cameroon
This initiative enables forest governance and the fight against climate change to be introduced into the training programmes of Cameroon's higher education insitutions.

Overview of the project
Based on the observation of the highly technical nature of forestry training courses which, moreover, did not address the forest environmental issues and quality of governance in a global context characterised by challenges such as climate change, Forest and Rural Development (FODER) and the Centre for International Development and Training (CIDT) of the University of Wolverhampton launched the initiative to introduce forest governance and climate change into the training programmes of Cameroon’s higher learning institutions. Between 2014 and 2019, support for the revision of forestry educational institutions’ training programmes by facilitating the inclusion of themes, such as forest governance and the fight against climate change, into the curricula of three institutions in Cameroon.
The initiative consists of:
- Awareness-raising sessions for university stakeholders and the challenges of forest governance, the fight against climate change, and the role of training in solving current environmental challenges including climate change;
- Evaluation of the level of consideration of forest governance and climate change in forestry training programmes;
- Revision of the training courses’ curricula and contents at two institutions; and
- Contribution to the development of a continuing education programme on forest governance and climate change by the Faculty of Agronomy and Agricultural Sciences (FAAS) of the University of Dschang in Cameroon.
Enable training programmes in forestry to become levers for good forest governance, sustainable forest management and the fight against climate change.
Ongoing research
Support to three forestry training institutions for the revision of their course curriculum and content.
A continuing education programme on forest governance and climate change developed by the University of Dschang is currently being delivered.
By the European Union (EU) and the British Department for International Development (BDID)
FODER is a non-profit ecologist association whose mission is to create an enabling environment for sustainable development through actions aimed at ensuring justice; fairness; rights and democracy; transparent, participatory and sustainable management of natural resources; perseveration of biological diversity; and improvement of the environment and quality of life.
Our interventions cover three areas including natural resource governance, rural entrepreneurship, and biodiversity and the environment.
in collaboration