Je Trie project
AudGreen Foundation carries out the following activities: Sorting waste at source for better recovery and optimal recycling.

Overview of the project
The “Je Trie” project aims to contribute to better management of solid household and similar waste in order to reduce its ecological footprint. This can only be achieved by introducing an accessible and efficient system for sorting waste at source.
In practical terms, in its first phase, the project is equipping schools with sorting bins to separate and recover waste according to its nature, at source, to avoid contact and soiling. This will enable them to be given a “second life”, through re-use and/or recycling, thus avoiding their simple destruction by incineration or dumping, as is currently the case in Cameroon, and moving towards a circular economy.
The sorting bins come in different colours, corresponding to different categories of waste. The AudGreen club is responsible for weighing the waste by category before making it available to partner companies for recycling.
A particular feature of the ‘Je Trie’ project is the on-site recycling of green waste to promote organic farming and healthy eating, rather than dumping it in landfill sites as is currently the case. The urban vegetable gardens that benefit from this organic waste give pupils a practical experience of the opportunities and outlets offered by the ecological transition. The aim is to enable them to develop initiatives and projects promoting green jobs.
Helping to generate wealth from the precious resource that is waste.
Ongoing research
Projet toujours en cours
– For this pilot phase, compared with pre-project figures, a 70% reduction in the amount of sewage collected.
– Three partnership agreements signed.
– Addition of a collection bin to the basic idea to improve recovery.
– 10 schools in Douala expressed an interest in replicating the project on their premises.
– 1,000 pupils educated in waste sorting at source through our digital communications.
– The first milestone of the project, which consisted of publishing a manual for sorting waste at source, has already been completed. The manual serves as a practical guide for users on how to effectively and appropriately sort waste at source. It also sets out the procedure to follow if users have difficulty finding the right bin for a particular type of waste.
– To ensure the success of this initiative, we have signed partnership agreements with waste recovery and recycling companies (plastic, glass, aluminium, paper and cardboard).
– We have also capitalised on the enthusiasm of all stakeholders to contribute to the success of this project.
– The impeccable sanitary condition of the establishments.
The project was funded by the AudGreen Foundation.

AudGreen Foundation carries out the following activities:
– Sorting waste at source for better recovery and optimal recycling. Emphasis is placed on the 4Rs – Reduce, Reuse, Repair, Recycle;
– Recycling organic waste in schools to fertilise their vegetable gardens;
– Creation of green walls to promote and disseminate good environmental and sustainable development practices among young people, particularly in relation to Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 12 and 13;
– Training young people in green entrepreneurship, particularly through the recovery and recycling of waste electrical and electronic equipment.
We are looking for partners who can recycle bulky waste and waste electrical and electronic equipment.