Metropolitan Land Planning (POTmet)
To combat urban sprawl the Metropolitan Land Planning wants to recover the rationality of the territory of Guadalajara and transform the city into a compact and sustainable one.

Overview of the project

The urban sprawl is a problem of big proportions for the cities. With POTmet we established a system that recuperates rationality of the territory and offers elements to precise the urban-contained perimeters to conform sustainable and compact communities. The plan regulates the growth around the emergent centralities, conditioning them to satisfy the criteria of proximity, compacity, intensity and aptitude. POTmet also includes a Green System, which identifies areas of high natural and agricultural value, inside and outside of the urban footprint contributing to their consolidation.
The general objectives of this plan are :
- Urban compactness
- Articulation of the Metropolitan Structure
- Multi central cities system
- Regional integration
To guide the territorial development of the Metropolitan Area of Guadalajara
17 Municipal plans checked and in accordance with the POTmet
Socialization with other actors, namely agencies and citizens
The purpose of the Metropolitan Planning Institute (Instituto Metropolitano de Planeación y Gestión del Desarrollo del Área Metropolitana de Guadalajara) is to prepare and propose planning instruments for the correct and integral growth and development of the metropolitan area, along with studies and project proposals that help the same purpose.