Mainstreaming Gender – Maputo’s Mobility experience
Since 2017, a partnership between public institutions and civil society for action-participation-research on mobility and gender has been developed. This project aims to contribute to guarantee the rights of women and discriminated groups in mobility and the public space of Great Maputo.

Overview of the project
The mobility, public space and gender line is implemented through different projects that aim to boost access to mobility as a tool for inclusion and the right to the city of all people living in the Maputo Metropolitan Area, especially the groups most discriminated by sex, age, sexual orientation, physical abilities and purchasing power.
Since 2017, a partnership between public institutions and civil society for action-participation-research on mobility and gender has been developed. The Municipality of Maputo, the Metropolitan Transport Agency of Maputo, the Metropolitan Area of Barcelona and Arquitectura Sem Fronteiras are developing projects that identify how to intervene in the city to improve access to decent, safe and inclusive mobility.
Urban planning tools do not have the capacity to adapt to a reality that changes so quickly. The results of these projects, on the one hand, show the gap between the challenges and the tools to solve them. On the other hand, they build images of change and propose viable short-term solutions to move towards the new paradigm: sustainable and inclusive mobility.
Contribute to guarantee the rights of women and discriminated groups in mobility and the public space of Great Maputo.
"project still in progress"
- A campaign on sexual harassment in public transport was carried out;
- A map of violence and security was prepared for Praça dos Combatentes-Albazine;
- A training of drivers on gender and diversity carried out;
- Started the preparation of a Public Space Urban Revitalization Project (PRUEP-HCM);
- Two phases of urban revitalization works carried out at the Maputo Central Hospital;
- A Notebook of Metropolitan Procedures – Promoting mobility with gender equity and diversity;
- A Procedures booklet for the installation of public transport stops in the Maputo metropolitan area;
- Placed a model stop at a strategic point in the Maputo metropolitan area;
Supported the elaboration of the Bicycle Posture;
4 actions were carried out regarding the Sustainable Mobility Week;
1 course on the right to the city taught.
- Conducted surveys and interviews made it possible to identify the main habits and beliefs about mobility and gender in greater Maputo;
- Improved mobility in the public space around Maputo Hospital;
- Mobility and gender issues were placed on the metropolitan public agenda;
- Gender Mainstreaming and Awareness at technical and Political level.
External funding for development cooperation projects.
Main Donor: Area Metropolitana de Barcelona, COM SSA, AECID, UN-Habitat.
We are an organization that works for the defense and exercise of the people’s right to an inclusive and fair habitat.
With 30 years of history, we act in the field of development cooperation, humanitarian action, education, awareness and local action, with the will to produce changes that improve the quality of life of individuals, communities and societies of which we are part.
The activities we carry are centred in our Mission: to Contribute to the right to habitat, which attends to and feeds on multiple disciplines at the service of individuals and communities, for the defense and exercise of all their rights.
In Maputo we develop two lines focused on the “right to the city”: Mobility and Gender Line, and Slum Upgrading Line.
in collaboration