OpenClimate is a collaborative project developing a global and integrated climate accounting system, designed to help the world achieve the emission reduction targets set in the Paris Agreement

Overview of the project

The initiative has 5 main goals:
- To provide general transparency alongside individual data privacy;
- Prevent double counting in the digital certification and trading of climate actions;
- Create contractual automation of rules and mechanisms with financial nature (from Paris Agreement stocktakes to carbon pricing and rewards for mitigation outcomes);
- Serve as a live stocktaking platform on the progress in mitigating emissions and track the flows of climate finance;
- Serve as research and communication platform to track the effect of climate measures, climate finance.
Through its web-platform, the project aims to seamlessly integrate the physical world with four general software layer groups. The first layer is the set of existing climate data platforms and databases. The second layer group is the actual ‘platform of platforms’ as the Open Climate is proposed, acting as a common decentralized server. The third is the range of blockchain ecosystems and their internal layers, from consensus protocols to smart contracts and the actual ledger records. Finally, the top layer is the open front-end portal.
Providing a "platform of platforms" that automates and links existing climate data sources.
project still in progress
Alongside the ongoing web-platform development, there is a strong community development. The initiative is part of the Climate Action Data 2.0 community that gathers the University of Yale and the UNFCCC. The OpenClimate project is a stakeholder of the CAMDA community to develop an independent Global Stocktake to the UNFCCC processes that accounts for the actions of non-state actors and subnational actors, not directly parties to the UNFCCC.
OpenClimate is a collaborative project developing a global and integrated climate accounting system, designed to help the world achieve the emission reduction targets set in the Paris Agreement. We are designing the system to provide general transparency alongside individual data privacy, prevention of double counting in the digital certification and trading of climate actions, and contractual automation of rules and mechanisms with financial nature.
OpenClimate will display the work of the Climate Action Data 2.0 community that gathers the University of Yale and the UNFCCC.
in collaboration