Optimisation of an offgrid Black Soldier Fly smallholder farm
This project leaded by "The BUG Picture" aims to create a tried and tested design for an offgrid Black Soldier Fly smallholder farm to increase access to high quality protein for animal feed in more rural areas of Kenya.

Overview of the project
Facing the fact that the world needs an alternative and sustainably farmed protein source to include in animal feed, the Bug Picture organisation has developed a sustainable alternative: the Black Solider Fly.
Black Soldier Fly larvae are a natural source of protein, fats, calcium, energy, vitamins and minerals for livestock animals including but not limited to chickens (broilers and layers), fish, pigs and reptiles.
These larvae (maggots) can be fed to animals alive as a supplement to their existing feed (a tasty treat), to subsidise feed, or as a full replacement of the protein input in animal feed (applicable to animal feed millers).
Currently we have 2 Centralised Processing and Egg Production (CPEP) facilities based in Kenya and Rwanda.
These facilities manage the full life cycle of the black soldier fly larvae (BSFL) in order to maintain a mother colony for the continuation of organic waste processing. Each facility produces larvae insect protein for animal feed (including supplementing existing feed to increase protein levels for animals to prosper) as well as frass (organic fertiliser) for sale.
The BUG Picture currently has 2 CPEP facilities as outlined below:
Piloki Farm: Nyahururu, Kenya
Nairobi Depot: 5 day old larvae are sent to Westlands to be dispatched to home and smallholder systems in the greater Nairobi area
Farm 42: Ruyenzi (outskirts of Kigali), Rwanda
Create a tried and tested design for an offgrid Black Soldier Fly smallholder farm to increase access to high quality protein for animal feed in more rural areas of Kenya
Pilote operation, experimentation
We take other peoples’ organic waste and convert it into high quality protein and fertiliser using Black Soldier Flies (insects).