Planting trees in Avé

This project mainly aims to plant and replenish trees all over the land of Avé.

An initiative of ONG-MORD (Mouvement d'Organisation des Ruraux pour le Développement

Overview of the project

This project consists in, firsty, raising awanress to Avé inhabitants on reforestations, bush fiers, will pursuing its activities in the fight against environmental degradation; then reforestation takes place.

Planting trees all over the province means planting fruit trees (mango trees, lemon trees, guava trees, mandarin trees…) within families as they are in charge of protecting these plants and receive an entire technical training on how to protect the trees.



This project mainly aims to plant and replenish trees all over the land of Avé.

Level of progress

Ongoing research

Project timeline

in theory, 10/01/2019 - '20/03/2019

Quantitative results

Fruits available for beneficiaries, as well as some other varieties: Néré, Baobab, Eucalyptus, Nem. Fruits

Qualitative results

Planted trees, creation of a micro-climate in the province.


Seeking funds.

About the

ONG-MORD (Mouvement d'Organisation des Ruraux pour le Développement


Support for community integration within socio-economic, cultural, union and civic development processes.

It also fights to improvement housing and populations’ living conditions.

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