Project for Adaptation to Climate Change through the Promotion of Renewable Energies at the Guidan Roumdji Displacement Site in the Maradi Region (PACC-PER)
This project aims to educate through campaigns and workshops awareness and information of the project's target groups on climate change and to systematically integrate the dimension of climate change and access to energy for youth and training of displaced people on the circular economy and eco-driving.

Overview of the project
Capacity building is a very important component of the PACC-PER project. When citing the causes of climate change, we often talk about atrophic causes because man is partly responsible for climate change because of his activities that are sometimes harmful to biodiversity and many others. It is very important to educate, train and raise awareness among the population, whether in rural or urban areas, in order to increase awareness and to integrate this dimension into these activities. This will allow the population to take charge of the fight against climate change.
The capacity building actions planned are:
The organization of a campaign and awareness and information workshop for the project’s target groups on climate change. This workshop will be organized for two days in the commune of Guidan Roumdji and will bring together a hundred participants from different parts of the commune (at least 50 MMD women and 50 women). The themes will focus on the causes of climate change, the responsibility of man, the effects of climate change, the fight against climate change (promoting good practices to reduce GHG emissions in connection with renewable energy) …
Updating the Communal Development Plan (CDP) of Guidan Roumdji with the systematic integration of the climate change dimension and access to energy for young people and training of displaced people on the circular economy and eco-driving.
Establishment in at least five sites of displaced persons of clubs (FD3C) Women Standing Up Against Climate Change.
- SO1: The capacity of young people aged 18-34 is strengthened in order to better take into account the fight against climate change - SO2: Renewable energy technologies, particularly solar photovoltaic, tested in Quebec, are transferred and disseminated in Niger in order to provide access to sustainable energy services for local populations and limit GHG emissions - SO3: The local economic development of beneficiary households is encouraged by promoting climate-smart agricultural and commercial activities
Ongoing research
1st October 2021 to 31st September 2022
- SO1-R1: At least 500 young people aged 18-34 from the Guidan Roumdji IDP site (250 boys and 250 girls) are sensitized to climate change
- SO1-R2: The Guidan Roumdji Communal Development Plan is acclimatized and staff trained
- SO2-R1: More than 100 households or more than 700 people on the site have access to clean electricity through SHS
- SO2-R2: The Integrated Health Center (IHC) of the site is electrified with solar photovoltaic (PV).
- SO3-R1: More than 100 women of the federation benefit from solar pumps with a complete irrigation kit to cultivate about 5 ha of market gardens
- SO3-R2: An Integrated Commercial Center (ICC) powered by a solar PV micro power plant is operational
The project is in line with the achievement of SDG7 “Ensure access to reliable, sustainable, modern and affordable energy services for all” through the use of renewable energies, and particularly converges with SDG13, notably targets
13.1 “Build resilience and adaptive capacity in all countries to climate-related hazards and natural disasters” and target,
13.3 2 “Enhance education, awareness and individual and institutional capacities for climate change adaptation, mitigation and impact reduction, and early warning systems”.
The use of local renewable energy sources to replace fossil fuels reduces pollution from batteries and hydrocarbon use. With this project, it is expected that the emission of several tons of CO2 will be avoided. In addition to these SDGs, the expected results of this project converge towards the achievement of several sustainable development goals, including
- SDG1: POVERTY ERADICATION (Access to a reliable source of electricity allows the launch of new income-generating activities such as the conservation or processing of agricultural products by cold thanks to adapted electrical appliances. The energy bill of households is reduced thanks to the lower cost of access to clean energy. Domestic, commercial and artisanal activities are continued after dark thanks to the lighting. The additional income generated has contributed to poverty reduction.
The electrification of the Akepe Integrated Health Center will allow for the safe storage of medicines and the improvement of working conditions. The working hours of health workers will be extended, which will allow them to deal with all emergencies, particularly night deliveries. In the home, electricity will reduce the risk of domestic accidents related to kerosene or candles, and will prevent respiratory infections in children resulting from the inhalation of fuel fumes caused in turn by the use of kerosene lamps. - SDG 4: ACCESS TO QUALITY EDUCATION The electrification of the village will allow the continuation of studies after dark, the quality of education is improved, promoting better attendance and success rates. Better lighting allows children to do their homework in good conditions.
- SDG 5: GENDER EQUALITY (Home electricity enables women to become more self-reliant. In addition to facilitating household chores, it will make possible many commercial and artisanal activities at home and has encouraged the emergence of small businesses such as fresh produce (beverages, fish, etc.).
ADESA organization accredited by UNCCD in 2019 is active in environmental management with the support of NEPAD, GEF, UNDP, SGP, PROSAN and ADESAF. The NGO ADESA is very active in Niger in environmental management and combating desertification through projects implemented and remarkable participation in sub-regional and national networks. ADESA is a member of ReSaD (Réseau Sahel Désertification), which supports an organized civil society in the field of combating desertification. Since 2010, it offers a collective and concerted response, promoting a rapprochement of actors in the fight against desertification and sustainable land management. ReSaD brings together civil society actors working in the Sahel in order to share their respective experiences, to capitalize on practices in the fight against desertification and to position itself as a recognized interlocutor with institutions. This network is made up of four platforms whose members have been working for many years on the fight against desertification. By relying on the expertise of their members, each platform pools the results of numerous field projects. This allows them to focus their intervention on capacity building and advocacy. ADESA recently facilitated the theme “Preserving natural resources in the Sahel region, a challenge between urgency and innovation” as part of the Convergences Niger 2019 Forum organized with the support of the French Embassy in Niger for a Niger Zero Exclusion, Zero Carbon and Zero Poverty. In November 2019 ADESA developed some expertise on ANR in MACEO, Brazil. The NGO ADESA with funding from NEPAD has recently implemented the Project of Rehabilitation of the pastoral enclave of Ilbaram and contribution to the sustainable management of local biodiversity through the recovery of degraded land in the Urban Commune of Mirriah (Maradi region).
The objective of the project is to contribute to the integrated and comprehensive development of local biological resources, to ensure the economic promotion of the communities through the improvement of the income of the beneficiaries, to guarantee and maintain food security.
The specific objectives of this project are to:
- Strengthen the capacity of local populations to select and maintain partners for the project partnership agreements better restore and manage sylvo-pastoral resources through the formation of 5 management committees, Build 183 benches,
- Plant 2,196 trees of woody species with confirmed pastoral value,
- Create jobs on site by achieving 510 HJ,
- Treating 30 hectares with 90 bags of grasses (Cenchrus Biflorus,..)
The number of beneficiaries reached by this project was 14790. This year, it organized a sub-regional workshop with the Great Green Wall (GGW) and the FR100 and NEPAD whose theme was Implementation of AFR100 and GGW Initiatives in the Sahel and Sahara at the local and community levels (Niger, Mauritania and Chad).
Mirco Recyc Cooperation,
Commune de Guidan Roumdji
Promotion de la Santé Nutrition