Project to support the organisation and development of agricultural sectors in the face of climate change in the Tchamba commune 1
Through its deliberations, the council settles issues relating to, among other things, the naming of streets and public squares, transactions relating to communal property, the communal budget etc.

Overview of the project
Vulnerability linked to agriculture is becoming intense because of the challenges of climate change. This is what emerges from the CDPs for Tchamba 1 commune, which indicate that the increase in agricultural activities and the extensive use of land to meet growing food needs, combined with the adoption of unsustainable practices, have led to a sharp deterioration in the vegetation cover and soil. Agriculture is the main economic driver in the municipality, employing more than three quarters (3/4) of the working population. Climate change, excessive use of pesticides and herbicides, lack of water control, soil impoverishment and deforestation are threatening this sector and leading to a drop in agricultural yields. This undermines food security and exacerbates the impoverishment of the population.
Livestock farming, which is relatively important compared to agriculture, is based on unconventional practices that are now a threat to agricultural development.
Conservation of the forest is important because it is a natural resource, home to biodiversity and because of its natural carbon sequestration capacity. This project will help to strengthen the climate resilience of farming communities and preserve the plant cover of the central region.
Contribute to strengthening the climate resilience of farming communities and preserving the vegetation cover in the Tchamba commune 1
Ongoing research
03/03/2022 - project still in progress
R1.1: 50 farmers’ associations are trained and supported in agro-ecological practices;
R1.2: A database of producer groups is created and made available;
R1.3: 50 farmers’ associations manufacture and use organic fertilisers,
R1.5: A composting plant is up and running;
R.1.6: Quality compost is available in the municipality to promote agroecological agriculture;
R2.7: Beneficiaries are made aware of and equipped with techniques for protecting and regenerating the environment.
– the city is clean
– a healthy population
– a clean environment
The town hall's own budget

The municipal council is the deliberative body of the commune, according to article 6 of the law on decentralisation. Fifteen (15) councillors, elected in 2019 for a term of six (06) years renewable twice (2), form the council of the commune. No member of the current council was a member of the special delegation of the commune of Tchamba.
Through its deliberations, the council settles issues relating to, among other things, the naming of streets and public squares, transactions relating to communal property, the rates for road, parking and rental fees on public roads, the communal budget, the locations of fairs and markets, the mayor’s administrative account and the implementation of projects for the well-being of the community.
in collaboration
The aim of this project is to hear from people throughout the central region. However, the commune of Tchamba 1 was only a sample of the central region. The current administrative structure of the central region is established by decree 2017-141/PR of 20/12/2017 establishing the territorial jurisdiction and administrative centre of communes and regions. Thus, the central region is subdivided into five (05) prefectures, fifteen (15) communes and sixty-one (61) cantons.
-Prefecture of Blitta; capital: Blitta-Gare; three (03) communes; 21 cantons
-Prefecture of Mô; capital: Djarkpanga: two (02) communes; five (05) cantons
-Prefecture of Sotouboua; capital: Sotouboua; three (03) communes; twelve (12) cantons
-Prefecture of Tchamba; capital: Tchamba; three (03) communes; ten (10) cantons
-Prefecture of Tchaoudjo; capital: Sokodé; four (04) communes; thirteen (13) cantons. It is the capital of the central region.