Promoting organic and sustainable farming in Togo

This projects promotes organic and sustainable farming in Togo by reusing all organic waste via a hybride system (methanization-anaerobic digestion of organic waste, to be used with a control system).

An initiative of TMSU International

Overview of the project

This projects promotes organic and sustainable farming in Togo by reusing all organic waste via a hybride system (methanization-anaerobic digestion of organic waste, to be used with a control system).

Specific objective #1:

  • Improving women and young people’s plant production by introducing composting (derived from the methanization of waste) on cultivated land and reduce the overuse of superficial fertilizers.

Specific objective #2:

Promoting the use of biogaz (derived from methanization of organic waste) and reduce as much as possible the use of fossil fuels (wood and wood charcoal)

Specific objective #3:

  • Securing the production transformation, protection and sale of farmed produce and guarantee access for poor and rural consumer ;
  • Developing a circular economy to boost jobs on a local level by creating little outlets or delivery services. Women could be in charge of sales in rural areas.

Specific objective #4:

  • Sharing technical skills through youth trainings (girls and boys) on artisanal production techniques for creating  biogaz.

This project resolves the following problems:

  • Overuse of artificial fertilizers
  • Deforestation leading the wood consumption
  • Water management


Soon, the organisation will be creating a “farm-school” for agro-ecology and bio-energy with an internet platform for socio-economic Empowerment of Youth. The farm-school will have a mini autonomous integrete system for collecting weather settinfs (temperature, wind direction, precipitations and air humidity) in order to enable trained youth farmers to plan out their farming activities.

This project has a very integral perspective: the agro-ecological transition ; bioenergy and targeting digital work on agroecology and bioenergy.


This projects promotes organic and sustainable farming in Togo by reusing all organic waste via a hybride system (methanization-anaerobic digestion of organic waste, to be used with a control system).

Level of progress

Networking, internationalisation

Quantitative results
  • Production of 6 m3 biogaz /day
  • 3 composts installed and 1.5 tonnes of compost produced ;
  • 2 new installations for organic pesticides,
  • 25 beneficiaries of the site;
  • 50 young people have been trained for artisanal production of biogaz, maintaining it, using it and promoting in the area;
  • 17 women have completed trainings on selling produce of the site.
Qualitative results

Biogaz is used for cooking and for the electrification of the site; compost and organic pesticides are produced there, young people can complete trainings on the technology behind artisanal biogaz, etc.


This project was financed thank to a call for contribution led by the French Embassy in Togo via the SCAC (Cultural action of the cooperation service).

Update on the project !

Photo 1: The Ambassador
Photo 2: Family photo with all the graduates
Photo 3: Ambassador having a conversation with M. AGBATI  Koffigan the project manager, (René ADOBAH in white);
Photo 4: Ambassador, head of cooperation and cultural action services, project manager
Photo 5: Ambassador having a conversation with M. AGBATI  Koffigan the project manager.
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About the

TMSU International

Koffigan AGBATI
Head of TMSU International; Part-time lecturer at Lomé University
+228 90268642

TMSU International is a versatile organisation that concentrates its work on Engineering, service provisions, trainings, docuentation, research and advice and implements projects concerning: renewable energy, the environement, art and culture, education (entrepreneurship,

est une structure polyvalente dans l’Ingénierie et Diverses Prestation de Services, de Formations, de Documentations, de Recherches et Conseils qui met en place des projets relatifs : Aux Energies Renouvelables, à l’environnement, à l’art et à la culture, à l’Education (Entrepreneuriat, computer graphic and I.T).

The organisation is divided in 2:

  • the company component that implements projects with lucrative purposes
  • and the social component that concentrates on non-profit projects

TMSU INTERNATIONAL is a partner of the University of Lomé via the Science faculty for energy and environmental issues (renewable energy and biogaz in particular). TMSU International is located in Togo, 30 Km away from Lomé the capital.

Objectives :

  • TMSU International aims to participate in creating a sustainable, socio-economic, humane and cultural development in Togo, in Africa and Worldwide
  • Helping implement sustainable development projects in line with the aim to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 
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A project
in collaboration
  • GIRCAFEM (Groupe International pour le Renforcement des Capacités Féminines)

    Organisation non-gouvernementale, association

    Monsieur AGBOTE Yawo Agbelewosi
  • Groupe de Réflexion et Réalisation des Projets d’Avenir (G2RPA)

    Organisation non-gouvernementale

    DOUHADJI Améyo C.M