Support Project for the Development of Fishery Products in Joal Fadiouth (PROMOVAL)
PROMOVAL aims to support women producers and processors in Joal Fadiouth to strengthen their economic resilience by improving their models for the valorization of oysters, arches, cymbium and murex.

Overview of the project

The Project to support models for the valorization of fishery products Joal Fadiouth is an initiative of Enda ECOPOP in response to climate change to strengthen the resilience of women.
The project is part of the “Support Program for the Preservation of Biodiversity and Fragile Ecosystems, Regional Governance and Climate Change in West Africa – PAPBio“, which is an initiative of the European Union, in consultation with ECOWAS and WAEMU.
PROMOVAL aims to support groups of women producers and processors of Joal Fadiouth to improve their models of recovery of oysters, arches, cymbium and murex. Planned to last 24 months (August 2021-July 2023), PROMOVAL will involve six women’s groups with more than 900 members active in the conservation and development of the Joal Fadiouth mangrove.
It is based on three specific objectives:
- Strengthen entrepreneurial, managerial and management capacities of production equipment;
- Strengthen and sustain local models of natural resource development;
- Capitalize and share knowledge with the Senegalese federation of women processors and other umbrella structures.
PROMOVAL aims to support groups of women producers and processors in Joal Fadiouth to strengthen their economic resilience by improving their models for adding value to oysters, arches, cymbium and murex.
Ongoing research
01/08/2021- 31/07/2023
- Capacity building of 119 territorial actors on the techniques of development of garlands and seeding of arches;
- Realization of 3.5km of garlands for a sustainable production of oysters and a natural regeneration of the mangrove forest;
- A surface of 2 hectares sown with 3 tons of arches;
- 600 bags made and distributed to women groups;
- Endowment of materials (plastic case, knives, boots, plastic case, gloves, decameters, fermentation tanks) to women’s groups;
- 1 video clip produced, focusing on the need to preserve the mangrove through a sustainable production of oysters;
- 1 financing fund of 7 million € set up for the qualification of products.
- The commitment of women’s groups to the sustainable use of oysters and arches;
- Increased awareness of women’s groups to preserve the mangrove forest;
- A reinforced synergy of action between women’s groups;
- A better understanding by the communities of climatic phenomena and their causal links;
- Collaboration with national institutions in charge of the standardization of local products.
PROMOVAL is funded by Westland International, IUCN and the European Union.

The NGO Enda ECOPOP created in 1991, acts for the emergence of African cities and territories, this vision is articulated around five strategic axes, horizon 2026:
- Strengthening democracy, governance, participation and citizen engagement in local authorities;
- Strengthening security, response to climate change, resilience and attractiveness of territories;
- Supporting employability, entrepreneurship and empowerment of youth, women, people with disabilities and other vulnerable groups;
- Supporting the territorialization of public policies and international agendas;
- Supporting transition for sustainable development.
- Institut de Technologie Alimentaire (ITA): To generate added value to local food products through processing and quality guarantee.
- Association Sénégalaise de Normalisation (ASN): Inform and train women producers on quality tools as well as methods and procedures for their implementation at the microenterprise level in order to improve and enhance the value of local products.
- Commune of Joal Fadiouth: Ensure the territorial anchoring of the project.
- Joal Fadiouth Marine Protected Area: Collaboration with women’s groups to strengthen their capacities and to ensure rational and sustainable use of mangrove resources.