RAEDD Cameroon: Eco Paper, Stop Deforestation
Réseau Africain pour l'Education au Développement Durable / African Network for Sustainable Development Education (RAEDD) is implementing a project to raise awareness among school youth against deforestation as part of UNESCO's Global Action Programme for Sustainable Development Education.

Overview of the project
The initiative, entitled Eco Paper, Stop Deforestation, aims to clean-up schools through education and awareness-raising about the role of the paper economy in a circular economy dynamic.
This initiative, which covered four high schools in Douala, made it possible to clean-up schools by ridding them of nearly 4,000 tons of paper waste that is usually burnt or deposited in landfills; making it available to recycling companies. In return, the donor schools received toilet paper; thus creating new environmental policies initiating eco-gestures at the participating schools.
Involve young schoolchildren in the paper circular economy to combat deforestation.
Ongoing research
Results obtained in the first year of the project:
- Four schools of 4,000 pupils each targeted
- 15 staff took part in the project
- On average, three to four tons of paper waste recycled by schools
As a result, 16,000 pupils and 600 school staff have been sensitised by the project.
The project was financed by RAEDD's own funds.

The RAEDD association carries out education development activities among schoolchildren and trains educators in sustainable development education, particularly in the city of Douala. Its actions are part of UNESCO’s Global Action Programme on Sustainable Development Education.