Reforestation of the City of Boma with Fruit Plants, Through Sustainable Agriculture
The project of Reforestation of the City of Boma with Fruit Plants through Sustainable Agriculture aims to absorb sufficiently the CO2 of the city through reforestation in order to safeguard the environment and its biodiversity.

Overview of the project

We are trying to solve the environmental problem related to global warming in the city of Boma through reforestation associated with new technologies (digital).
Our mission is to plant 15,000 trees capable of absorbing the CO2 of the city, including 10,000 flowering plants, and 5,000 fruit trees. In order to carry out our activity, we plan to create an application or a monitoring software, or to set-up an automatic alarm system where each planted tree is located to our digital central; at the same time we also plan to create a database in which we will list and code all reforested plants in Boma in order to fight against illegal deforestation, or ill-adapted reforestation without respect for nature and biodiversity.
In addition, the harvest of fruit plants will either be commercialized in their raw state, or transformed into fruit juice following the example of Lulu and Cerès. Our means of action are: to reforest the main roads of new cities, schools, hospitals, along the boulevards, the ravines, the plains, the surroundings of industrial companies emitting more greenhouse gases during their performance, etc.
To absorb sufficiently the CO2 of the city through reforestation in order to safeguard the environment and its biodiversity.
Ongoing research
From 12/01/2021 to 12/31/2030 - project still in progress
20.000 trees can feed the city of Boma, while reducing the impact of greenhouse gases in this region, limiting the impact of illegal deforestation, protecting the environment (the land,) and its biodiversity (plant and animal species).
The transformation of fruits into fruit juice with a production capacity of 5,000 fruit juices rich in nutrients, under individual packaging of 2L at the price of 1.3$ or 2500Fc to the markets of Boma and Kinshasa.
Through self-financing.
Cultivate is a Congolese company working in the field of sustainable agriculture, particularly in the production, processing, marketing, and export of agricultural, and other food products from the national territory.