Resilient Public Transport Infrastructure in Ouagadougou
Resallience is VINCI's design / consulting office dedicated to adapting projects, cities, territories, infrastructures and their uses to climate change.

Overview of the project
The objective of the project was to guide the technical design of Ouagadougou’s future public transport system (which will be a combination of regular and rapid bus lines), currently being planned with the assistance of the World Bank, by identifying and prioritising measures and investments to increase the climate resilience of the future transport system.
This project was carried out by a consortium composed of RESALLIENCE, Louis Berger (WSP) – an international consulting firm in engineering, programme management, social and economic development – and AGEIM Ingénieurs Conseils (Engineers Consultancy) – a Burkinabé consulting firm providing services in the field of social and economic development (land use planning, roads, various networks, etc.).
In the course of this project, we :
- Gathered five relevant case studies of cities (outside Burkina Faso) that illustrate technical improvements in the design and operation of urban transport systems that have increased resilience to climatic events, in particular flooding.
- Proposed grey (technical), green (Nature based Solutions), and institutional (soft) solutions to enhance the adaptation and resilience of the future transport system to floods
- Conducted a multi-criteria analysis (investment cost, maintenance cost, efficiency, socio-economic and environmental benefits and co-benefits) to prioritise these solutions
Supporting the city of Ouagadougou and the World Bank in the elaboration of an investment strategy, and planning for adaptation and resilience solutions to floods for the future public transport system in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso.
Ongoing research
02/01/2021 – 06/30/2021
This project identified and characterised the sections of roads and infrastructures of the future transport system that are exposed to flooding. It also allowed to propose and analyse appropriate solutions to guide the investments related to the design and construction of the transport system to make it resilient to flood risks.
World Bank
RESALLIENCE by SIXENSE is a consulting firm dedicated to the adaptation of projects, cities, territories, infrastructures and their uses to climate change. RESALLIENCE offers innovative technological and consultation solutions, integrated engineering and economic models adapted to climate change. The firm is positioned as a major player in supporting its clients in the face of the economic, political, social, and environmental challenges of the coming decades.
Our services are structured around three main activities:
- Consulting: includes vulnerability and impact assessments, technical and financial evaluations, training, audits and compliance
- Modelling: maintenance and predictive monitoring; weather and climate data services, functional engineering of infrastructures and territories by stress test
- Project coordination/engineering: includes project management assistance, integration of technical solutions, and coordination through collaborative/partnership engineering
RESALLIENCE brings together a team of engineers, geographers, climatologists, lawyers, architects, and urban planners, all experts in the field of urban resilience and infrastructure (buildings, industrial sites, transport infrastructure, etc.)
Louis Berger (WSP) and AGEIM Ingénieurs Conseils (Engineers Consultancy)