Reusing agricultural residues and forestry waste into biofuels and disseminating clean cooking equipment
This project aims to reduce the overexploitation of forests and play the biofuels to ensure the supply of wood energy, around the recovery of crop residues such as cotton stalks, bagasse, rice and corn residues.

Overview of the project
Cooking energy is an essential energy source for industries, artisans, households and the general population. The population’s access to butane gas, firewood, charcoal or other cooking fuels must be ensured in order to guarantee food, health, economic and social security in Mali in a context where 80% of energy needs depend on the exploitation of natural resources. However, in Mali, it is increasingly difficult for a household to have access to these fuels. Resources are becoming increasingly scarce and are confined to areas that are further and further away from major consumption centres. According to the latest 2020 data from the Forestry Information System (Sifor) of the National Directorate of Water and Forests, more than 55% of Mali’s territory is stripped of vegetation, more than Five Hundred Thousand (500,000) hectares of deforestation per year, and the demand for biomass for cooking currently exceeds more than Ten Million (10,000,000) tons per year.
Therefore, what role could biofuels play in ensuring the supply of wood energy and reducing the overexploitation of our forests?
This is the question that the briquette production project answers with a proposal based on the valorization of crop residues such as cotton stalks, bagasse, rice and corn residues.
The development objective of this project is to satisfy urban and rural demand for cooking fuel, replacing wood energy, to reduce the loss of forest cover and the degradation of carbon sequestration ecosystems and biodiversity, to create employment opportunities and to generate income for the beneficiary communities in the agricultural production basin in Mali.
The objective of the Yiriimex-SA Group project is to substitute the consumption of wood energy to contribute to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals in Mali
Ongoing research
project still in progress
The quantitative results are essentially :
- The signature of a partnership with three (03) agricultural interprofessions (cotton, rice, corn) for the supply of materials
- The signature of a partnership with three technical services of the State (the Malian Agency for the Development of Domestic Energy and Rural Electrification, the National Directorate of Water and Forests, the National Directorate of Industry)
- The installation of seven (07) institutional homes throughout Mali
- The formalization of commercial contracts for the supply of 7,800 tons of biofuels for bakeries and 27,000 tons for oil mills
- The supply of 7,000 stoves for the DEGEFRO III/PCVA project
- The establishment of a partnership with 37 communities in Koutiala to provide 85,000 households with clean cooking equipment
As a qualitative result, we can mention :
- The production of briquettes and pellets from a pilot unit,
- The production of clean cooking equipment called KIMOU,
- The registration of the project among the priority projects of the implementation of the
- Determined Contribution at the National level,
- The realization of biofuel tests in industries (bakeries, oil mills) in households, restaurants, training centers, artisans
- The technical support of the FAO (United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization) to conduct a feasibility study for the realization of a biofuel production unit in Bamako
- The recognition of the project by the environment and energy departments, among others.
- The signature of a public private partnership (PPP) with the communities for the realization of the project
- The signature of the same PPP with the National Directorate of Water and Forests
The Yiriimex Group's project will be financed by the project promoter (Oumar DIALLO), communities, banks, and investment funds that have expressed their interest.

The activities of the Yiriimex-SA Group consist of the production of biofuels (briquettes and pellets), as well as the manufacture and dissemination of resilient technologies (clean cooking equipment) to face the effects of climate change. Its activities are:
- developed into a national program
- aim to valorize more than 2,500,000 tons of agricultural residues and forestry waste per year in the large agricultural production areas to produce 2,000,000 tons of biofuel per year
The Yiriimex-SA Group program is part of the implementation of the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) to contribute to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions in Mali. All materials containing lignite and cellulose are suitable for densification and the group’s biofuel production has made a strategic choice on 4 agricultural residues that are very abundant, but not very well valorized, such as cotton stalks, corncobs, rice hulls and sugarcane bagasse and other forestry wastes. Biofuels are made from a mixture of these residues and forest waste.
The Yiriimex-SA Group’s development of clean cooking equipment, called “KIMOU”, focuses on both multifunctional stationary and mobile stoves that are especially adapted to the consumption of briquettes. These technologies are made from local materials in Mali. Fixed stoves are composed of recycled old vehicle rims, clay, sand, red brick, whereas mobile stoves are made with metals.
in collaboration
- The National Directorate of Industry (DNI)
- The National Directorate of Energy (DNE)
- The National Agency for the Development of Biofuels (ANADEB),
- The Malian Agency for the Development of Domestic Energy and Rural Electrification (AMADOR),
- The Dutch Development Cooperation SNV Mali,
- The Association of Forestry Companies for Forestry Waste
- The Malian Company for the Development of Textiles (CMDT),
- The Confederation of Cooperative Societies of Cotton Producers of Mali C-SCPC
- The Interprofession of the Maize Sector of Mali (IPROFIM-MALI)
- The Rice Interprofession (IFRIZ) for rice residues.