REWE Green Building – the Future Concept (a new generation of carbon neutral sustainable green supermarkets)

4 Green Architecture Ltd. has designed the new generation of carbon neutral green building supermarkets.

An initiative of 4 Green Architecture Ltd.

Overview of the project

The project consists in the design and realisation of the new generation of carbon neutral green building supermarkets. This is now a roll-out and scalable investor model for carbon neutral sustainable green building supermarkets with energy efficiency and renewables, circular economy, cost effectiveness and CSR. This new generation of green supermarkets is even built with wood – saving 435 tons of CO2 due to the choise of wood from sustainable forestry and wood based building materials.


Designing the new generation of carbon neutral green building supermarkets

Level of progress

Pilote operation, experimentation

Project timeline

10/07/2008 - 11/5/2009

Quantitative results

Today more than 170 of the green supermarkets have been realised.

Qualitative results

This project resulted in the construction of buildings meeting the highest standards of sustainability in terms of construction – with energy efficiency, renewables, circular economy, the use of natural resources (as it allowed to save 435 tons of CO2). Finally, it is a cost effective and bankable solution.


KFW Group / REWE

About the

4 Green Architecture Ltd.

Charlotte Koch

4 Green Architecture Ltd. is in charge of the interdisciplinary planning of Carbon neutral sustainable green building designs with energy efficiency, renewable energy, circular economy, and cost and resource effectiveness. It gives corporate clients a green business card through bankable sustainable green building solutions and thereby contributes to the development of African cities in a sustainable way.
They are practitioners with reaised award winning green building projects for corporates like Deloitte and the big German REWE Group.

A project
in collaboration
  • REWE Group

    Business - Industry
