The Sentinels of climate
Monitoring climate change impact on biodiversity in Nouvelle Aquitaine (France) and raising awareness on environmental issues.

Overview of the project

The understanding of the local impact of climate change on biodiversity is essential to shape environmental and natural areas management policies. The lack of knowledge at the regional level has led to the development of a research programme called the “Sentinels of Climate”.
This programme aims to study the effects of climate change in Nouvelle-Aquitaine through the monitoring of indicators based on species or group of species with weak motion capacity. The “sentinel species” are distributed within different ecosystems. They gather around twenty specific species, like the Pyrenean frog.
This applied research programme regroups around 15 partner structures, associations, research laboratories which participate in knowledge-building analysis and reporting works. This programme is also based on the development of mediation tools to disseminate scientific information to the general public.
To study the impact of climate change on biodiversity in Nouvelle-Aquitaine region (France)
Ongoing research
Video presentation of the initiative
Photos of the initiative
- Cistude
- Cistude
Cisture Nature is an not for profit organisation dedicated to nature protection. It places scientific and naturalist expertise at the service of knowledge and protection of natural environments, of flora and fauna, made possible by conservation programmes, mappings of distribution and natural areas management. The organisation creates and produces websites, documentary films, books, educative sets and exhibitions targeted at a diverse audience. It leads educative and awareness-raising actions by organizing school animations, events and manifestations, as well as outdoor tours for the general public.
in collaboration